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Can bipolar disorder continue into the elderly years?

I am a 43 year old female. My father has bipolar disorder and is in his 70s. Can bipolar disorder continue into the elderly years?

Are there warning signs days before a stroke?

I am a 65 year old male. I want to know if there are warning signs days before a stroke?

Can I prevent my bunion from getting worse?

I am a 63 year old male. I have a bunion on my feet. Can I prevent my bunion from getting worse?

How would a behavioral therapy treat depression?

I am a 56 year old male. I want to know how would a behavioral therapy treat depression?

How serious is a collapsed lung?

I am a 66 year old male. I want to know how serious is a collapsed lung?

What does long term depression do to the brain?

I am a 68 year old male. I want to know what does long term depression do to the brain?

What percentage of arthritis cases need surgery?

I am a 52 year old female. I want to know what percentage of arthritis cases need surgery?

How long does it take to wake up after a heart transplant?

I am a 65 year old male and I need a heart transplant. I have massive anxiety about this procedure. What can I do?

What medicine do they give seniors for anxiety?

I am a 59 year old female. My 78 year old mother suffers from anxiety and is open to medication. What medicine do they give seniors for anxiety?

Does forgetfulness in seniors mean dementia?

My 72 year old mother seems to be forgetting things all the time. Does forgetfulness in seniors mean dementia?

What is the most energizing antidepressant?

My 70 year old father wants to take antidepressants. I want to know what is the most energizing antidepressant?

Is Magnesium good for geriatric anxiety?

I am a 64 year old male. I want to know if Magnesium is good for geriatric anxiety?

How can I improve anxiety with medication?

I am a 62 year old female. I want to know how can I improve anxiety with medication?

How long can an anxiety attack last?

I am a 63 year old male. I want to know how long can an anxiety attack last?

When do you say goodbye to someone in geriatric care?

I am a 29 year old female and my grandma is in geriatric care. When do you say goodbye to someone in geriatric care?

Does anxiety worsen with age?

My 66 year old mother has always had anxiety but it has gotten worse. Does anxiety worsen with age?

Is anti-anxiety medicine safe for seniors?

I am a 33 year old female. I want to know is anti-anxiety medicine safe for seniors?

What is prescribed for anxiety and depression?

My 74 year old father has anxiety and depression. What is prescribed for anxiety and depression?

My mother doesn't want to live after my father passed?

My mother is 72 years old and recently lost her husband, my father. How do I help her?

What is the fastest way to relieve ankle pain?

I am a 54 year old female and I have ankle pain. What is the fastest way to relieve ankle pain?

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