Top 10 Common Acne Myths Debunked
Junk Food Causes Acne: Eating junk food like pizza, french fries, burgers, and chocolate doesn’t cause acne to develop. However, studies have shown that the sugary foods can aggravate the existing acne. This means if you want to have your favorite chocolate ice cream, don’t hold back. But if your skin is already irritated, it’s better to switch to healthier foods to prevent it from getting worse.
Picking Pimples Helps Them Go Away Faster: Many think that picking pimples will make them go away faster, but in reality, it worsens the condition in the long run. When you squeeze your pimples, you are actually pushing oil, bacteria, and dead skin cells deeper into your skin, leading to swelling, redness, and even scarring.
Washing Your Face Often Will Prevent Breakouts: Washing your face frequently isn’t going to make your acne disappear. Instead, it can strip your skin of the good oils it needs, and dry out your skin completely, which can lead to breakouts. Instead, opt for a mild cleanser that contains benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid to help reduce and prevent acne breakouts.
Acne is caused by dirt: Acne is not caused by dirt. In fact, your dirty skin regularly cleans itself, shed dead cells and then produce its own oil to nourish and hydrate the skin. The acne occurs when these processes get imbalanced and the pores are clogged. So, rather than avoiding dirt, avoid washing your face excessively or stripping the natural oils of your skin with harsh alcohol.
Only teenagers get acne: Not only teenagers, but anyone can get acne irrespective of age. Over 85% of people between 12 years old and 24 years old have acne, but it can also come back or even start as late as your 30s. So, whatever your age, seek out professional treatment if the condition persists.
Sun exposure helps clear acne: While small amounts of exposure to the sun may initially be helpful to improve acne, it also strips your skin of its natural oils, which can disturb the skin's natural balance. Therefore, continuous exposure to the sun can result in increased plugging of the pores, producing whiteheads, blackheads, and small pimples.
Stress can’t cause acne: The hormonal imbalance created in the body by stress can lead to acne. According to research done by the Wake Forest University School of Medicine, teenagers having stress are 23% more likely to suffer from severe acne. Researchers also suggest that inflammation caused by stress may also play a role, affecting men and women of all ages.
Sweating Causes Acne: While sweating is not a triggering factor of acne, it can irritate the existing one. For example, if you linger around in sweaty workout clothes, sweat and dirt could aggravate the existing acne. So make sure to cleanse your face and body as soon as possible and choose moisture-wicking garments for work out.
People with Acne Shouldn’t Wear Makeup: There is no need to avoid makeup if you have acne. What’s important is to choose the right products for oily, blemish prone skin. Better you opt for an oil-free foundation that provides the coverage you need while being gentle to the skin at the same time.
Acne goes away on its own and doesn't need to be treated: Although acne doesn’t put much effect on your overall well-being,this condition still can't be ignored. Doing nothing can make the condition even worse. So it’s important that you start your acne treatment as soon as possible.