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Dr. William P. Smith, D.D.S.


Dr. William P. Smith D.D.S. is a top Dentist in Sedona, AZ. With a passion for the field and an unwavering commitment to their specialty, Dr. William P. Smith D.D.S. is an expert in changing the lives of their patients for the better. Through their designated cause and expertise in the field, Dr. William P. Smith D.D.S. is a prime example of a true leader in healthcare. As a leader and expert in their field, Dr. William P. Smith D.D.S. is passionate about enhancing patient quality of life. They embody the values of communication, safety, and trust when dealing directly with patients. In Sedona, AZ, Dr. William P. Smith D.D.S. is a true asset to their field and dedicated to the profession of medicine.
59 years Experience
Dr. William P. Smith, D.D.S.
  • Sedona, Arizona
  • University of Missouri at Kansas City, School of Dentistry
  • Accepting new patients

Is an electric toothbrush good for gums?

Every one of your teeth needs to be cleaned 360 degrees around it every day. Rub floss up and down on each in-between surface like using a dish cloth on a dirty plate. Use a brush READ MORE
Every one of your teeth needs to be cleaned 360 degrees around it every day. Rub floss up and down on each in-between surface like using a dish cloth on a dirty plate. Use a brush in a gentle giggling motion on the outside surfaces. An electric toothbrush can be used here if you prefer.

A popular dental saying is: You do not have to floss all your teeth; only floss the ones you want to keep.

For the best in-depth information available on this subject, study the book: "GROWING A HEALTHY CHILD, SECRETS FROM A WISE OLD DOC"

What can I eat with the molar crown?

You should be able to eat anything you would normally eat with natural teeth. If you never want to have treatment for decay again, study the book: GROWING A HEALTHY CHILD, SECRETS READ MORE
You should be able to eat anything you would normally eat with natural teeth. If you never want to have treatment for decay again, study the book: GROWING A HEALTHY CHILD, SECRETS FROM A WISE OLD DOC. It is the best information available to never have a cavity. Hundreds have followed its information and had no new cavities.

Can you get a partial denture for your upper back teeth?

The short answer is yes you can. They can be designed in different ways. The saddle that rests on the gum needs extra attention. It can settle into the softer gum and cause movement READ MORE
The short answer is yes you can. They can be designed in different ways. The saddle that rests on the gum needs extra attention. It can settle into the softer gum and cause movement when eating.
Using the RPI partial denture clasp system, in this case, can help.

Knee replacement?

It may not be necessary. Your best answer will come from your dentist. I am glad you are caring for your teeth.

Tooth abscess?

Sorry to hear that. You need care right away. It will likely get much worse without care. The sooner you start treatment, the better. Your care will likely include antibiotics. READ MORE
Sorry to hear that. You need care right away. It will likely get much worse without care. The sooner you start treatment, the better. Your care will likely include antibiotics. You can obtain that from an urgent care or from an emergency room. Obtain an appointment with a dentist ASAP to plan needed treatment after improvement from the antibiotics.It is possible your current condition resulted from infection from tooth decay. It is possible you can never have another cavity. No more cavities means no more fillings, no more swollen face, and no more or toothaches.

How long should a crown last on a tooth?

Thank you for your question. It is asked a lot. There is no simple answer. What might cause a crown to fail? Does the owner: Keep it clean 360 degrees around it? Eat, or, drink READ MORE
Thank you for your question. It is asked a lot. There is no simple answer. What might cause a crown to fail?

Does the owner:
Keep it clean 360 degrees around it?
Eat, or, drink sugar-containing things a lot?
Eat ice?
Grind or clench the teeth?

What is the strength of the tooth under the crown?
What was the skill of the person preparing the tooth to receive the crown?
What was the skill of the person, or computer, making the crown?
What material was used to make the crown?
What cement was used to seat it?
Was the patient still and cooperative? Did the patient wiggle and complain?
Was the tooth too wet, or too dry, when it was seated? Did the tongue get in the way?

I could go on. It is best to select a dentist you fully trust. It is best to be a cooperative and relaxed patient. It is best to give your crown careful attention. Under these circumstances, it is possible your crown will last so long that you do not remember when you received it.

I am glad you are interested in your teeth. If you never want another cavity, study the best resource on this subject. GROWING A HEALTHY CHILD, SECRETS FROM A WISE OLD DOC

Are clear braces better than Invisalign?

I am glad you “want to straighten your teeth.” Why are they crowded and in need of straightening? Seek an answer to that first. You will then be better prepared to use the best READ MORE
I am glad you “want to straighten your teeth.” Why are they crowded and in need of straightening? Seek an answer to that first. You will then be better prepared to use the best tool to “straighten” them. Often, the jaw is underdeveloped, and there is not enough room. Developing the jaws first can provide a better airway with a lower risk of airway related sleep problems. Jaw development is non-surgical and can be done at any age. An improved airway can supply more oxygen to your brain and muscles. This could improve your performance and quality of life. Please learn more about these options.

“Are clear braces better than Invisalign?” These are different tools for different jobs. It depends on the experience and skill of the provider, and what is to be accomplished. The best resource to help you on your journey is found in the book: GROWING A HEALTHY CHILD, SECRETS FROM A WISE OLD DOC.
It contains an orthodontic chapter with all the information any age person needs to select the orthodontic care best for the reader.
Thank you for your excellent question.

Can I use whitening toothpaste with braces?

You asked about using whitening paste while wearing braces. You are wise to want to keep your teeth clean. Bacteria have many more places to hide while braces are in place. It READ MORE
You asked about using whitening paste while wearing braces. You are wise to want to keep your teeth clean. Bacteria have many more places to hide while braces are in place. It takes extra time to carefully clean your teeth. Notice I said clean, not brush. Make small vibrating movements with the brush to work it into all the hiding places. Always be thinking CLEAN. Yes, whitening paste is fine to use. For the best information on cleaning teeth with braces, read the book GROWING A HEALTHY CHILD, SECRETS FROM A WISE OLD DOC.
Thank you for your great question.

How can I fix a cracked tooth?

I assume you are referring to a “cracked,” and not a “fractured or chipped,” tooth. I also assume it is not painful. Options include: 1. If the crack is not an esthetic problem, READ MORE
I assume you are referring to a “cracked,” and not a “fractured or chipped,” tooth. I also assume it is not painful. Options include:

1. If the crack is not an esthetic problem, it can be left alone.

2. Slightly enlarge the crack and bond a color matching composite restorative material to hide the crack.

3. Cover the entire front surface with a veneer. It can be constructed from a choice of several porcelains or composites. Matching the other teeth could be a concern with this option.

Thank you for your question. I wish you success with whatever you choose.

Should you use mouthwash before bed?

Saliva production and its benefits decrease during sleep. So, you are correct, going to bed with clean teeth is important. Clean teeth means plaque removal 360 degrees around each READ MORE
Saliva production and its benefits decrease during sleep. So, you are correct, going to bed with clean teeth is important. Clean teeth means plaque removal 360 degrees around each tooth. This is best accomplished with rubbing all in-between surfaces for plaque removal there, and brushing tongue side and cheek side to remove plaque there. If this is well done, mouthwash use is less important.

If this is not well done, or not done at all, mouthwash at bedtime would be important. Stannous fluoride gel could be this best mouth rinse to use under this circumstance. The book “GROWING A HEALTHY CHILD, SECRETS FROM A WISE OLD DOC” has the best information about through cleaning of the teeth and the use of stannous fluoride gel. Study this information to have the lowest risk of decay and the highest chance of excellent gum health.
I am glad you are interested in your oral health.

How long does it take to reverse gingivitis?

Gingivitis is an infection of the gums. Reversing it means first eliminating the cause. After the cause is eliminated, the gums will begin to heal. How well the cause is eliminated READ MORE
Gingivitis is an infection of the gums. Reversing it means first eliminating the cause. After the cause is eliminated, the gums will begin to heal. How well the cause is eliminated will determine the healing time. While some system-wide dysfunctions can lead to gingivitis, they are unusual. The leading cause of gingivitis is bacterial plaque or calculus left on the teeth. The main treatment is removal of the bacteria plaque or calculus. Bacteria between the teeth is the main cause. Bacteria on the face side and the tongue side can contribute. Calculus is removed in the dental office. The patient is responsible for removing the soft plaque (bacteria) from the teeth. The bacteria need to be cleaned 360 degrees around each tooth. When this is done, the first evidence of the beginning of healing will be seen within a couple of days. More complete healing will progress with time. The better the teeth are kept clean 360 degrees, the faster they will heal. The best source of complete information on this subject can be found in the book “GROWING A HEALTHY CHILD, SECRETS FROM A WISE OLD DOC.” It also explains how gingivitis can be spread from person to person, and how it is spread from parent to child. How to prevent gingivitis is also covered. How to get each tooth 360 degrees is well covered. Do yourself a favor and study the information in this book.
Thank you for your excellent question.

How can I speed up the progress of my braces?

Of course, everyone wants the movement to be fast. Teeth move through the jaw bone by a process. Braces cause the tooth root to press against the bone on one side of the root READ MORE

Of course, everyone wants the movement to be fast.
Teeth move through the jaw bone by a process. Braces cause the tooth root to press against the bone on one side of the root socket, and pull away from the bone on the other side. Your body then removes bone on the side of the pressure, and adds bone to the side of the pull. As the bone is removed on one side, and added to the other side, the tooth moves. This takes time.

You can help your body in this process by giving it an ideal diet. Avoid junk food and give your bone the nutrition it needs.

While this process is taking place, make sure to keep your teeth very clean. We want your teeth to look great when the braces do come off. Plaque left on your teeth and frequent sugar stuff can leave unwanted stains that can be permanent around your braces. You may not see them now, but they will be very evident when the braces come off.

Do yourself a favor and study the sections about orthodontics and decay prevention in the book: GROWING A HEALTHY CHILD, SECRETS FROM A WISE OLD DOC.

You will be a much better-informed patient after reading the orthodontic chapter. It is the best source of information on these subjects. It also has the best detailed information about caring for your teeth while the braces are on. Take care of your teeth, eat well, inform yourself about orthodontics, and I am sure you will have a great result.

Is it normal for veneers to fall?

Thank you for your important question. Normally, veneers will remain bonded in place for several years. It is not normal for one to debond within 1 month. You need to call your READ MORE
Thank you for your important question.

Normally, veneers will remain bonded in place for several years. It is not normal for one to debond within 1 month. You need to call your dentist to schedule an appointment. Take the veneer with you to the appointment. Bonding is best to enamel. If your tooth was missing most of the enamel, the bond could have been weak. Patient movement during the bonding procedure could have introduced moisture and loosened the bond. It is not possible for me to know the circumstances at the time and offer more complete information. Your dentist is your best source of information.

Is having a molar extraction painful?

I am sad that you need a molar extraction. A confident, relaxed patient will be more likely to experience no pain. An anxious, nervous, frightened patient will likely experience READ MORE
I am sad that you need a molar extraction. A confident, relaxed patient will be more likely to experience no pain. An anxious, nervous, frightened patient will likely experience pain. This patient’s higher blood pressure will likely interfere with the normal action of the anesthetic. I am sure you know how to breathe slow, deep breaths, and use progressive relaxation to be more at peace. Practice before your appointment and you will do fine. Get help with this before your appointment. If the needed loss of your molar was brought about by decay, I hope you would be interested in never having dental decay again. Within the book: GROWING A HEALTHY CHILD, SECRETS FROM A WISE OLD DOC, are secrets on how to never have another cavity. The secrets are easy to learn and follow. Do yourself a favor. Read it and follow it. Never having another cavity is worth the effort. The book does not ask you to buy anything. It is do it yourself.
Good luck on your journey.

Does dry socket need antibiotics?

Your surgeon can help you with this. Contact him immediately. The most important item is to keep the dry (open) socket clean. This will allow healing. Retained debris in the socket READ MORE
Your surgeon can help you with this. Contact him immediately. The most important item is to keep the dry (open) socket clean. This will allow healing. Retained debris in the socket is a breeding ground. You do not want that.

Can you reverse tooth decay naturally?

Thank you for your very important question. I am glad you want no decay. It might be possible to reverse microscopic size decay. A tooth is unable to reverse larger decay. Your READ MORE
Thank you for your very important question.

I am glad you want no decay. It might be possible to reverse microscopic size decay. A tooth is unable to reverse larger decay. Your best solution is to restore any decay present to remove the bacteria causing it. Follow the instructions found in the best source for having NO decay, and for reversing very early decay: “GROWING A HEALTHY CHILD, SECRETS FROM A WISE OLD DOC” Continue your NO decay journey. That will give you the best results.

What happens if you get a cavity under a filling?

Decay needs to be removed and the resulting cavity restored. Sometimes this means removing the filling as well in order to reach the decay. If the decay is left, it will get larger READ MORE
Decay needs to be removed and the resulting cavity restored. Sometimes this means removing the filling as well in order to reach the decay. If the decay is left, it will get larger and larger making the remaining tooth weaker and weaker. The book: GROWING A HEALTHY CHILD, SECRETS FROM A WISE OLD DOC, has the best information to prevent new decay. It would be worth your time to study the book. Teeth are important. I am glad you want to care for yours. The book is a must read if you are still getting new decay.

How can I fix a gap in my front teeth without braces?

Thank you for this important question, Closing the gap with braces reduces the radius or your upper arch. This can cause your lower jaw to sit further back and contribute to READ MORE
Thank you for this important question,

Closing the gap with braces reduces the radius or your upper arch. This can cause your lower jaw to sit further back and contribute to joint problems. Leaving the gap present sets you apart and becomes YOU. Many people with this feature are proud of it and flaunt it. Think of Jay Leno and his prominent chin. There is no way he would have any treatment to make his chin smaller!! Filling in the gap by bonding tooth colored filling material to the side of each tooth offers an excellent option. There is no damage to the teeth. It can be reversed if you ever want to. Another option is to bond custom fabricated porcelain to the sides of the tooth. There are advantages and disadvantages of each. This is a discussion you can have with your dentist who knows more about your exact needs than I can know.

What kind of doctor does a sinus lift?

What kind of doctor does a sinus lift? A doctor that has sought and obtained excellent education and training for this procedure. A doctor that has had successful experience in READ MORE
What kind of doctor does a sinus lift? A doctor that has sought and obtained excellent education and training for this procedure. A doctor that has had successful experience in the procedure, and the more experience, the better. A periodontist receiving referrals from a number of dentists is likely to have greater experience than a general dentist. A doctor you have confidence in and trust.
I wish you well on your journey.
Thank you for your question.

Do dentures make your breath smell?

The pink plastic part of dentures can have microscopic size porosities. It is possible to harbor odor causing material in these areas. Some of the materials are less porous than READ MORE
The pink plastic part of dentures can have microscopic size porosities. It is possible to harbor odor causing material in these areas. Some of the materials are less porous than others. Toothbrush and toothpaste cannot remove the material. Soaking in a cleaning solution can help. An ultrasonic bath can help. The perfect material to totally prevent this has yet to be invented.
Thank you for your question.