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Dr. Yong J Zhu, DPM

Podiatrist (Foot and Ankle Specialist)

Dr. Yong Zhu is a podiatrist practicing in Hackettstown, NJ. Dr. Zhu is a medical doctor specializing in the treatment of the foot and ankle. As a podiatrist, Dr. Zhu diagnoses and treats conditions of the feet. Our podiatric physicians combine exceptional service with extensive training in their field to offer patient-centered visits. They listen and counsel you as to what are the best options for treatments from conservative options to surgical interventions. Our caring and friendly staff are available to help you each and every step of the way to coordinate the care you need. At Feet 'N Beyond, we provide the individualized attention that you need to get you back to doing what you love.
22 years Experience
Dr. Yong J. Zhu, DPM
  • Hackettstown, NJ
  • NY college of podiatric medici
  • Accepting new patients

How long does it take for acupuncture to work for ankle pain?

The answer is depends, it depends on the level of pain, cause of the pain, underlying condition that started the body to respond with pain. and I would ask your acupuncture specialist READ MORE
The answer is depends, it depends on the level of pain, cause of the pain, underlying condition that started the body to respond with pain. and I would ask your acupuncture specialist on realistic expectation on the time frame expected for improvement.

I need help with my feet?

Hi, from the pattern of redness, looks like either socks or shoe that goes across your foot. I recommend that you see a podiatrist, seek second opinion if needed. after it subsides, READ MORE
Hi, from the pattern of redness, looks like either socks or shoe that goes across your foot. I recommend that you see a podiatrist, seek second opinion if needed. after it subsides, allergist can do allergy test to find out what caused all of this, good luck, hope you find what you need.

How much pain is normal after ankle surgery?

Pain is a symptom that is quite subjective, pain is still normal for 5 wks after surgery, however, how much pain experienced varies person to person, so I recommend that you seek READ MORE
Pain is a symptom that is quite subjective, pain is still normal for 5 wks after surgery, however, how much pain experienced varies person to person, so I recommend that you seek the consult of your surgeon regarding the pain you are experiencing.

Can my foot rotation cause hip problems?

Hi, the only way to definitively know is have a full podiatry exam with gait analysis. please seek help with your local podiatrist.

Bunion surgery?

yes, it is normal sometimes. it also depends the last three months of healing thus far, if harware was used, how the internal bone is healing, etc. I recommend you to see your READ MORE
yes, it is normal sometimes. it also depends the last three months of healing thus far, if harware was used, how the internal bone is healing, etc. I recommend you to see your surgeon on this and address this with the doctor. seek second opinion if neccessary. good luck with recovery.

How can I reduce swelling in my feet after surgery?

Swelling after foot surgery is normal for 6 wks - 2 months. Before doing anything, I recommend that you consult with your surgeon first.

I have a swollen painful left foot?

I recommend go to the nearest ER or urgent care asap.

What type of nerve block is used for foot surgery?

The answer is it depends, it depends on the type and location of foot surgery. in my office, all elective surgeries are done under local anesthesia only, in office surgery suite, READ MORE
The answer is it depends, it depends on the type and location of foot surgery. in my office, all elective surgeries are done under local anesthesia only, in office surgery suite, and patients walk out after surgery on the same day. please speak to your surgeon regarding this.

What are the risks of plantar fasciitis surgery?

Surgery (any kind) itself has risks such as: infection, delay healing, pain, need to repeat procedure, anesthesia reaction, side effects with medication given. Plantar fasciitis READ MORE
Surgery (any kind) itself has risks such as: infection, delay healing, pain, need to repeat procedure, anesthesia reaction, side effects with medication given.

Plantar fasciitis surgery has all the above plus: other compensating foot issues down the road in 5-10 years. one foot type maybe be different then the other. shoe gear need to change. need for other foot supports.

I recommend that you speak to a podiatrist that can help you by answering all you questions.

How bad does a bunion have to be for surgery?

There is no reason to wait to fix a bunion, which is mis alignment of the big toe joint. The earlier it is re aligned, the less complicated it'll be with compensation of other READ MORE
There is no reason to wait to fix a bunion, which is mis alignment of the big toe joint. The earlier it is re aligned, the less complicated it'll be with compensation of other toes and joints. earlier it is fixed, the less invasive the procedure needed. in my office, bunion surgery is done in the office, under only local anestheisa, no hardware, and patients walk on the same day. Please look into my social media and website to see the testimonials of patients benefited from this technique.

Can hammer toes come back after surgery?

Some times and depends. So what it means is that it depends on the technique and severity of the hammertoe being addressed. If it is severe, the condition sometimes can return. READ MORE
Some times and depends. So what it means is that it depends on the technique and severity of the hammertoe being addressed. If it is severe, the condition sometimes can return. Hardware is used most of the time as well. I would ask that you address your concern with the surgeon of your choice. In my office, we implement minimal invasive approach: surgery is done in the office, under only local anesthesia, no hardware, patient walk on the same day, and postop pain only needs tylenol or ibuprofen to addess.

Could cold feet be nerve pain?

Hi, it can be nerves or just the sitting position is causing sluggish blood flow. I recommend that you follow up with your doctors closely, seek the care of a vascular circulation READ MORE
Hi, it can be nerves or just the sitting position is causing sluggish blood flow. I recommend that you follow up with your doctors closely, seek the care of a vascular circulation specialist if needed.

How long does it take to get rid of a heel spur?

In my office, a heel spur is removed via an office 45 min procedure under only local anesthesia, no hardware is used, patients walk on the same day, full recovery is 2-4wks.

How long is recovery from the big toe joint replacement?

Typically, 6-18 weeks. But I no longer do that procedure, because with minimal invasive procedure, the big toe joint can be saved. please look into my office's social media and/or READ MORE
Typically, 6-18 weeks. But I no longer do that procedure, because with minimal invasive procedure, the big toe joint can be saved. please look into my office's social media and/or website for testimonials on how my patients has benefited from using this technique. good luck.

Do bunion correctors work for kids?

Hi, from experience, any correctors of deformities in the foot do not correct 100%, and sometimes the attempt to correct a deformity may bring on other compensation issues. A READ MORE
Hi, from experience, any correctors of deformities in the foot do not correct 100%, and sometimes the attempt to correct a deformity may bring on other compensation issues. A bunion is a mal alignment of the big toe joint, the only definitive way is to re align the joint for correction to occur and bunion to go away. I recommend that you seek consult with my partner, Dr. Nguyen, she do this type of correction every week. hope this helps, good luck.

Are you under general anesthesia for toe bunion surgery?

typically, yes. in my office, with recent use of minimal invasive approach to fix bunion and hammertoe, surgery can be done in office setting under only local anesthesia, with READ MORE
typically, yes. in my office, with recent use of minimal invasive approach to fix bunion and hammertoe, surgery can be done in office setting under only local anesthesia, with no hardware, and patients walk on the same day out of the office. please look into my office social media and website to see the patients that has benefited greatly from this technique.

What happens if you leave a bunion untreated?

bunion is a mal alignment of the big toe joint, if untreated, there can be compensation and complications such as: hammertoes, arthritis, pain, dislocated joint, arch pain, heel READ MORE
bunion is a mal alignment of the big toe joint, if untreated, there can be compensation and complications such as: hammertoes, arthritis, pain, dislocated joint, arch pain, heel pain, tendonitis, ligament damage. I recommend an evaluation with a podiatrist to talk about your options.

How can I get rid of ankle pain?

the answer to your post is it depends on the root cause of the pain, the root cause has to be treated before the pain can go away.

What do chiropractors do for plantar fasciitis?

Not sure what chiroprators far as in my office plantar fasciitis is treated by: 1. exam 2. xray to make sure no heel spur 3. non invasive approach is implemented like night READ MORE
Not sure what chiroprators far as in my office plantar fasciitis is treated by:
1. exam
2. xray to make sure no heel spur
3. non invasive approach is implemented like night splint, topical meds, stretching, orthotics, physcial therapy, etc.
4. invasive approach if needed: injections, minimal invasive procedure, EPAT. etc....

good luck, hope you find the help you need.

Foot ulcer?

Pain associated with an ulcer is not normal, recommend for your wife to be seen at a hospital based wound center near you for consultation.