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Dr. Arthur Fitzgerald Chau, MD


Dr. Arthur Chau is an orthopaedic surgeon practicing in Houston, TX. Dr. Chau specializes in the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of injuries, diseases and disorders of the bodys musculoskeletal system. As an orthopaedic surgeon, Dr. Chau tends to bones, ligaments, muscles, joints, nerves and tendons. Orthopaedic surgeons can specialize in certain areas like the hand, spine, hip, foot and ankle, shoulder and elbow or the knee.
35 years Experience
Dr. Arthur Fitzgerald Chau, MD
  • Sugar Land, TX
  • La State Univ Sch of Med In New Orleans, New Orleans La
  • Accepting new patients

Can kyphosis be corrected in adults?

Yes, the kyphosis in an adult can be corrected through spinal surgery..

Is physical therapy necessary after ankle surgery?

Yes, the patient usually needs physical therapy to regain the rang of motion and the muscle strength. The type of the therapy and the time to start depends on what type of the READ MORE
Yes, the patient usually needs physical therapy to regain the rang of motion and the muscle strength. The type of the therapy and the time to start depends on what type of the operation. Hope that you will have a speedy recovery.

Which doctor is best for an ankle sprain?

For an ankle sprain, you can be treated with an ankle brace or walker boot for a few weeks until the pain and swelling subside. You should start physical therapy to strengthen READ MORE
For an ankle sprain, you can be treated with an ankle brace or walker boot for a few weeks until the pain and swelling subside. You should start physical therapy to strengthen the ankle to prevent future sprain when the symptoms subside. Please make sure that you did not injure the syndesmosis ligament (pain in the front of your ankle). If in doubt, you can have an MRI of the ankle to identify the syndesmosis injury.
Hope that you will recover soon.

What shoes are good for flat feet?

I recommend that you buy the shoes with built-in arch supports. You can also buy inserts with arch supports at the sport stores such as Dick's.

Do you need physical therapy after arthroscopic knee surgery?

I am strongly recommending that you go to physical therapy after the knee arthroscopy. However, for any reason that you cannot start physical therapy, you can exercise at home READ MORE
I am strongly recommending that you go to physical therapy after the knee arthroscopy. However, for any reason that you cannot start physical therapy, you can exercise at home on a stationary bicycle or walk on the treadmill.

Is it worth having a spinal fusion?

You should consider spinal fusion if you continue to have persistent intolerable symptoms such as pain or weakness that cannot be improved with medications, injections, bracing READ MORE
You should consider spinal fusion if you continue to have persistent intolerable symptoms such as pain or weakness that cannot be improved with medications, injections, bracing and physical therapy. The spinal fusion is usually recommended if the patient has severe arthritis of the spine or needs several levels of decompression which may result in instability of the spine. If you have any doubt, please ask for a second opinion from another spine surgeon.
Good Luck.

How do you know if your Achilles tendon is torn or ruptured?

The symptoms of a torn Achilles tendon rupture are pain in the heel or calf, weak push down of the foot and difficulty in running and jumping. Physical examination reveals a defect READ MORE
The symptoms of a torn Achilles tendon rupture are pain in the heel or calf, weak push down of the foot and difficulty in running and jumping. Physical examination reveals a defect at the heel cord. The MRI of the ankle can confirm the Achilles tendon tear easily. Since you are young, you should have your tendon surgically repaired if it is ruptured.

Why do my feet hurt after wearing orthotics?

If the orthotics hurt you, you might wear wrong or badly fitted orthotics.

Do orthopedic shoes really work?

Orthopedic shoes for diabetic feet are helpful. Otherwise, they do not make any difference.

What happens if you don't do physical therapy after spine surgery?

Physical therapy helps to strengthen the muscles which support the back. Without therapy, the spinal muscles will continue to be weak, and the back remains painful.

Can you bend knee after meniscus repair?

I recommend you not bend your knee past 90 degrees for 6 weeks after the repair.

How long does hip hurt after replacement?

The pain in the total hip replacement should subside fast after the operation, With pain medication, most of my patients were very comfortable. The soreness should be gone in 3 READ MORE
The pain in the total hip replacement should subside fast after the operation, With pain medication, most of my patients were very comfortable. The soreness should be gone in 3 weeks.

The upper part of my finger is getting bent?

If your finger has no pain and if you can have a full range of motion of your finger, you should not worry about it.

How long can a bruised elbow hurt?

When you have a bruise in your elbow, you probably have a bleeding either underneath the skin or in your muscle. With a bruise you can have injured muscle or even contused bone. READ MORE
When you have a bruise in your elbow, you probably have a bleeding either underneath the skin or in your muscle. With a bruise you can have injured muscle or even contused bone. Normally intact a week or 2 for the bruise to resolve. The duration of the pain in your elbow depends on the degree of the injury of the muscle and the bone. If the pain of the elbow last
more than 2 weeks. You should go to see a doctor for an X-ray and examination.

Knee pain?

It seemed that you sustained a meniscal tear in the back of your knee. I strongly recommend you to see an orthopedic surgeon to have X-ray and MRI of your knee to confirm the diagnosis. READ MORE
It seemed that you sustained a meniscal tear in the back of your knee. I strongly recommend you to see an orthopedic surgeon to have X-ray and MRI of your knee to confirm the diagnosis. If you have a tear in the meniscus in your knee, the tear will not heal by itself.

What foods should you avoid if you have bursitis?

If you have bursitis due excessive activities, food does not affect your condition. If you have an inflammation of your joint due to gout, you should avoid red meat, cheese, shellfish, READ MORE
If you have bursitis due excessive activities, food does not affect your condition. If you have an inflammation of your joint due to gout, you should avoid red meat, cheese, shellfish, beer, or red wine.

What should you not do with a bulging disc?

Most people with bulging discs are asymptomatic. If you have any symptoms such as back pain or numbness and tingling in your legs, you should avoid any heavy lifting, pulling or READ MORE
Most people with bulging discs are asymptomatic. If you have any symptoms such as back pain or numbness and tingling in your legs, you should avoid any heavy lifting, pulling or pushing until symptoms resolve. You should take some anti-inflammatory medication such as Aleve or Advil and go to physical therapy for a few weeks.
I hope that you will feel better soon.

How long do you need to be off work after bunion surgery?

If you have any bony procedure during the bunion surgery, you will not be able to bear weight on that foot for 6 to 8 weeks. If you do not have any bony procedure, you will be READ MORE
If you have any bony procedure during the bunion surgery, you will not be able to bear weight on that foot for 6 to 8 weeks. If you do not have any bony procedure, you will be able to bear weight on your foot right after the procedure.
Best wishes.

Why do the bottoms of my feet hurt when walking?

The most common cause of pain in the foot is plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is the inflammation of the ligament in the sole of the foot. The pain was because usually at the READ MORE
The most common cause of pain in the foot is plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is the inflammation of the ligament in the sole of the foot. The pain was because usually at the heel where the ligament, i.e., plantar fascia attach. The plantar fasciitis was caused by sudden stretching of the plantar fascia, especially in the morning when getting out of bed. You can prevent the pain and inflammation from the plantar fascia by stretching exercise in the morning prior to getting out of bed. You should use a blanket wrapping around the sole of your foot and pulling the blanket up work to stretch your foot about 15 to 20 minutes. You can put a heel cushion in your shoes. You can also perform stretching of the plantar fascia by rolling your foot over the golf ball.

How do you stop a bunion from progressing?

Bunion was caused by wearing tight shoes. You can stop the progressing of the bunion by wearing a wider shoes. An operation is the only way to correct the bunion.