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Cze H. Low


Dr. Cze Low is an ophthalmologist practicing in Singapore, . Dr. Low specializes in eye and vision care. As an ophthalmologist, Dr. Low can practice medicine as well as surgery. Opthalmologists can perform surgeries because they have their medical degrees along with at least eight years of additional training. Dr. Low can diagnose and treat diseases, perform eye operations and prescribe eye glasses and contacts. Ophthalmologists can also specialize even further in a specific area of eye care.
Cze H. Low
  • National University of Singapore
  • Accepting new patients

What could be causing a stinging pain in my eye?

Dryness is the likely cause. Try lubrication like artificial tear drops. These will help whenever the symptoms appear.

My eyes feel very itchy in the morning. What could be the reason?

Allergy to mite droppings on your pillows or bedsheets may be likely. Dryness is possibly contributory. Try artificial tears and frequent changes of pillow cases and bed sheets. READ MORE
Allergy to mite droppings on your pillows or bedsheets may be likely. Dryness is possibly contributory. Try artificial tears and frequent changes of pillow cases and bed sheets.

Can you suggest some natural ways to reduce squinty eyes?

Convergent squints may be helped by encouraging looking at distances and avoiding near work; divergent squints may be helped by convergence exercises like bringing objects very READ MORE
Convergent squints may be helped by encouraging looking at distances and avoiding near work; divergent squints may be helped by convergence exercises like bringing objects very close to the eyes frequently throughout the day.

restasis facial hair

See your doctor for advice, it’s best to discontinue medication when you have side effects

Since getting new glasses, my eyes have been watering almost constantly. Why is this?

Try taking your glasses off when you are tearing. If the tearing stops soon after, then your glasses are the cause. They could be wrongly centered, not fitting correctly, etc. READ MORE
Try taking your glasses off when you are tearing. If the tearing stops soon after, then your glasses are the cause. They could be wrongly centered, not fitting correctly, etc. See your optometrist for a review or have new glasses fitted.

I have slight pain in my right eyes and I am seeing spots frequently. What could be wrong?

Pain around right eye: possible local eye lid infection if vision is unaffected, iritis, glaucoma, optic neuritis if vision is affected. Migraine or remote organs could cause these READ MORE
Pain around right eye: possible local eye lid infection if vision is unaffected, iritis, glaucoma, optic neuritis if vision is affected. Migraine or remote organs could cause these problems. See your doctor for a check if these symptoms persist for a week.

I have a problem driving at night. Is there any way to fix it?

Yes, it could be cataracts or glaucoma visual field loss. See your ophthalmologist.

What are the precautions to be taken after laser surgery?

Avoid rubbing your eyes, and additionally the risk of retinal detachment always remains due to preexisting myopic degeneration

Why are my mother's eyes watering 1 year after cataract surgery?

Go back for a review. It could be dry eyes or sutures protruding from the wound.

How does accentrix work?

I advise using proper approved injections like lucentis or eylea. These drugs control macula degeneration but need regular topping up injection every month for several years. Regular READ MORE
I advise using proper approved injections like lucentis or eylea. These drugs control macula degeneration but need regular topping up injection every month for several years. Regular monitoring is required. There are risks with these injections. Talk to your eye doctor.

I have a lot of floaters in my eyes. Will it make me blind?

Floaters, if recent and associated with light flashes, may have underlying retinal tears or early retinal detachment. See your eye surgeon ASAP.

After cataract surgery

Go back to your eye doctor and have them checked

My son plays a lot of video games. I'm concerned for his eyes--should I be?

It could be bad. It causes eye strain, induces myopic progression and dry eyes. Take breaks every now and then to rest the eyes

Is chlorine exposure bad for the eyes?

Wear goggles to reduce contact with chlorine.

At what age is surgery recommended for squint eye?

Agreed. Timing of surgery is dependent on the need for it. Try other measures first. See your doctor for review.

Why are my eyes watering after cataract surgery?

See your eye surgeon for a check and ask him why

I accidentally slept in my contacts. Can just once cause permanent damage?

Usually it will if you don't get an infection. Stay off contacts for a few days for eye recovery.

I have a stye on the inner side of my eyelid. Is it a problem?

Frequently clean that area with mild soap and water to help healing. Antibiotic drops will help you to heal better.

When should I get my daughter's first eye checkup done?

It's good to have an eye check before aged 5 years. Usually the earlier the better to detect and correct any refractive errors thereby preventing amblyopia

How are crossed eyes treated?

An eye check will guide you on what's best. Prism glasses, botox injection and finally surgery are all options.