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Dr. Santa Nandi


Dr. Santa Nandi is a gastroenterologist practicing in Hicksville, New York. Dr. Nandi specializes in the digestive system and its diseases that affect the gastrointestinal tract, which include organs from the mouth to the anus as well as liver disorders. Gastroenterology includes conditions such as hepatitis, peptic ulcer disease, colitis, nutritional problems and irritable bowel syndrome. Dr. Nandi performs colonoscopy and endoscopy procedures and provides accurate and thorough care for patients suffering from digestive issues.
28 years Experience
Dr. Santa Nandi
Specializes in:
  • Colonoscopy
  • Endoscopy
  • Digestive System
  • Liver disorders
  • Hicksville, NY
  • Albert Einstein college of medicine Lij
  • Accepting new patients

Endoscopy procedure?

You need to follow up with your physician. COVID 19 had caused delays in timely diagnosis of neoplasms by forcing people to postpone follow up visits with their doctors. You may READ MORE
You need to follow up with your physician. COVID 19 had caused delays in timely diagnosis of neoplasms by forcing people to postpone follow up visits with their doctors. You may want a second opinion if that’s the case.

Can you gain weight after gastric bypass?

Yes, if you resume eating large amounts of food.

Can I drink orange juice after gastric bypass?

Anything you drink or eat after gastric bypass must be in small amounts. Please discuss with your surgeon.

What helps you heal faster after gastric bypass surgery?

I didn’t understand your actual question. There’s a recovery time for every surgical procedure. I’m sure your surgeon can discuss it with you.

Why do I feel sick after having coffee?

Avoid it for now and try drinking tea instead. It may be due to pre-existing gastrointestinal conditions. It may be due to sensitivity to the ingredients in your coffee such as READ MORE
Avoid it for now and try drinking tea instead. It may be due to pre-existing gastrointestinal conditions. It may be due to sensitivity to the ingredients in your coffee such as milk, sugar, or other sweeteners/flavors.

Embarrassing problem?

Most likely a rectal prolapse but I can’t confirm without an examination in office.

Which medicine is best for stomach pain?

Your symptoms must have a diagnosis first in order to be treated correctly.

What could be causing cramping diarrhea shortly after eating?

Please visit your physician in person for further tests and treatment options.

Why do gastric bypass patients lose weight so fast?

Please research online for the answer to your question, if this was just for your own information. It is quite an elaborate discussion.

What is the recovery time for acid reflux surgery?

Usually laparoscopic procedures can be discharged to home from hospital the next day.

Nausea and burping in the morning?

Details of the polyp and treatment done at the time are necessary. Please follow up with your GI specialist.

Colonoscopy prep question?

In most cases drinking a large amount of clear liquids the day before colonoscopy is necessary in order to achieve an adequate jewel prep. There are certain dietary items that READ MORE
In most cases drinking a large amount of clear liquids the day before colonoscopy is necessary in order to achieve an adequate jewel prep. There are certain dietary items that can meet your needs. Please discuss in detail with your GI specialist who is scheduled to perform your colonoscopy.

What medicine works best for IBS?

You will need to visit a GI specialist before being prescribed any meds. Remember that your diagnosis must be confirmed by the physician who treats you. Treatment is not available READ MORE
You will need to visit a GI specialist before being prescribed any meds. Remember that your diagnosis must be confirmed by the physician who treats you. Treatment is not available on this site.

What percentage of gastric bypass patients regain weight?

If the person starts to eat large amounts to food again, she will regain the weight she lost by enlarging her gastric pouch.

I accidentally drank some hydrogen peroxide?

That’s a dangerous mistake and you should have been to the ER. by now. Hope you’re ok.

Why do I get acid reflux every time I eat?

Your physician will be able to help you.

I'm having a pancreatitis attack?

This is not a condition to receive advise online. Hope you’ve been seen by your physician.

Stomach pain?

Have you seen a physician about your symptoms? Please schedule a visit.