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Julie Doherty

Naturopathic Physician

My Commitment and Dedication - Is to provide Evidence Based Guidance and Support that will enable you to
Build a Firm Foundation to Master a Life of Optimal Health, Happiness, Vitality and the Best Quality.
Beginning with the Key Essence to Build a Brilliant Mind. How Fuelling your mind to positive changes, understanding your core desires will help with changing your priorities, building determination. This being the first step of your journey.

Mastering your Health means changing your systems of beliefs and behaviours. It is easy to say, NOW IS NOT THE TIME! What you need to ask yourself is, “IF NOT NOW WHEN?” Well, THE TIME IS NOW. Here is your opportunity…TAKE IT! I have heard time and time again—the one thing people regret most at the end of their lives is not taking action when opportunities come along. CHOOSE TO INVEST IN A POSITIVE & HEALTHIER YOU!

To Achieve Optimal Health it is necessary to learn how you can achieve HEALTH OPTIMIZATION . This begins with understanding the core elements of ill-health and disease. To understand that to become well is about making lifestyle changes that will support a healthy body and a healthy mind. The very core of prevention and recovery of ill-health and disease is dependant on learning to “Take Charge” in order to eliminate the vulnerability that comes about when ill-health prevails.
Julie Doherty
Specializes in:
  • Naturopathic Medicine
  • Holistic Medicine
  • Mount Gambier, South Australia
  • Diplomas Qualifications include: Naturopathic Medicine
  • Accepting new patients

Why Making Assumptions is Dangerous for your Health!

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The Art of Building Self-Worth, Self-Esteem & Self-Confidence – Knowing the Difference

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Kidney Stones: Causes, Prevention & Natural Support

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Keys to Making Positive Changes

A major key to building, obtaining, and maintaining a Life of Optimal Health, Happiness & Vitality lies in your ability to embrace change. Embracing change is the key to developing...

Membership Access Coming Soon to Julie

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Building a Strong Foundation – To Achieve Optimal Health, Happiness & Vitality

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An Easy Skin Care Routine for Men

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A Special Tribute to Dads: The Changing & Challenging Role of Fatherhood

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Paleo Bread for a Healthier You!

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Hidden Symptoms & Causes Behind Depression

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Achieve Optimal Health, Happiness & Vitality from Nutrition

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Dealing with Difficult Behaviour in Children

Dealing with Difficult Behaviour in Children

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Gluten Free Pikelets with Chickpea & Rice Flour

Gluten-Free Pikelets with Chickpea & Rice Flour

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Are You a Social Alcoholic? What Are the Dangers & What You Can Do!

Are You a Social Alcoholic? What Are the Dangers & What You Can Do!

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Health Benefits of Dandelion Root – Taraxacum Officinal

Health Benefits of Dandelion Root – Taraxacum Officinal

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A Child’s Guide for Loving Your Parents

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A Woman’s Guide to Keeping Your Man Healthy

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Prescribed Natural Medicine vs. Prescription Drug Medication

Prescribed Natural Medicine vs. Prescription Drug Medication

Your choice – Your health Medicines, both natural and pharmaceutical medicines, are a big business. It is overwhelming, confusing and can be over-the-top expensive or ineffective...