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Robert Marlin Woolery


Dr. Robert Woolery is a Chiropractor practicing in Vallejo, CA. Dr. Woolery specializes in preventing, diagnosing, and treating conditions associated with the neuromusculoskeletal system, while improving each patients functionality and quality of life. Conditions treated include sciatica, neck pain, and arthritis pain, among many others. Dr. Woolery seeks to reduce pain and discomfort through manipulation and adjustment of the spine.
32 years Experience
Robert Marlin Woolery
  • Vallejo, CA
  • Life Chiropractic College West
  • Accepting new patients

Can you fix upper back pain?

Yes, of course. That is part of the spine. Muscle problems around the rotator cuff are common. And rib joint dysfunctions can be very painful.

How can neck pain be fixed?

The flippant answer would be " Come see us, and we'll do what we can". In this office, we find that many painsand dysfunctions issues arise from the joint between the skull and READ MORE
The flippant answer would be " Come see us, and we'll do what we can". In this office, we find that many painsand dysfunctions issues arise from the joint between the skull and the top bone of the neck, tha atlas. Since parts of the brain stem extend down to as low as C4, these are often involved. At home, Ice is your friend. A bag of frozen peas on the painful area for 15 minutes at a time, every two or three hours will go a long way. To the extent that misalignment is important, a successful chiropractic adjustment is needed.

Can I correct scoliosis without surgery?

Once past about twelve, there is no straightening a scoliosis; careful chiropractic care can help your spine work better. Spinal surgery often has disappointing outcomes.

Is a hot shower good for lower back pain?

It depends on the cause of the pain. If it's arthritic pain or other pain of longstanding origin, a hot shower works. If the pain is from a recent trauma or relatively new injury, READ MORE
It depends on the cause of the pain. If it's arthritic pain or other pain of longstanding origin, a hot shower works. If the pain is from a recent trauma or relatively new injury, ice is superior to heat. (Look at the example of football players, when one is injured on the field, the coaches pack him in ice, not heat.)

How serious is a spinal compression fracture surgery?

Surgery of any sort is entirely outside my scope of practice. There are surgeons who claim to restore the normal shape of the compressed vertebral body and maintain the more normal READ MORE
Surgery of any sort is entirely outside my scope of practice. There are surgeons who claim to restore the normal shape of the compressed vertebral body and maintain the more normal shape by filling the void with some sort of cement. Spinal surgery has a depressing track record, about 50% being no worse at 5 years post surgery than they were when they first consulted, with the other half being worse. I would expect that long term compatibility of the cement to be the biggest issue.

How long does it take to recover from elbow surgery?

That depends on you and the particular surgery. Ask your MD and PT - they can give you better answers.

What position should you sleep in if you have lower back pain?

A neutral sleeping posture, on your back with the neck supported on a small pillow, or on your side with enough thickness of pillow to bring the head and neck into line with the READ MORE
A neutral sleeping posture, on your back with the neck supported on a small pillow, or on your side with enough thickness of pillow to bring the head and neck into line with the lower spine. Belly sleeping with the head turned is apt to make spinal pain worse. A pillow between the knees is often recommended and found helpful.

Is it safe to go to a chiropractor with scoliosis?

If you are over the age of about 8, we cannot straighten your spine. What we Can do is get the bent parts you have to work better. A chiropractor is not going to hurt you, and READ MORE
If you are over the age of about 8, we cannot straighten your spine. What we Can do is get the bent parts you have to work better. A chiropractor is not going to hurt you, and many offices use very low force procedures to improve your overall balance.

What helps back pain from scoliosis?

As you probably know, once a person with scoliosis grows to full stature, nobody is going to straighten out the spine, short of surgical insertion of Harrington Rods. Regular chiropractic READ MORE
As you probably know, once a person with scoliosis grows to full stature, nobody is going to straighten out the spine, short of surgical insertion of Harrington Rods. Regular chiropractic care can reduce the symptoms, making the parts you have work the best they can, and is safer than either pain pills or surgery.

Can back surgery help sciatica?

Spinal surgery on the whole has a roughly 50% success rate. The rub is in the definition of success: You are, 5 years after the surgery, *no worse* than you were when you first READ MORE
Spinal surgery on the whole has a roughly 50% success rate. The rub is in the definition of success: You are, 5 years after the surgery, *no worse* than you were when you first consulted with the MD. One should explore options, especially including upper cervical chiropractic care. Physical therapists do a marvellous job of choosing appropriate exercises, but sadly, most people do not do them. I have personal experience here, as I had sciatica for 35 years in the aftermath of a high speed head on when I was a ten year old child. Adjusting my low back gave 2 or 3 days relief, but once my C1 and C2 were successfully adjusted, the sciatica drifted away.

What are the treatment options for a sports hernia?

Sorry, this is not my area of expertise... You can fix it internally or externally, but I cannot answer that question.

Is chiropractic adjustment good for bulging disc?

Sure. Most disc bulges respond well to self care: Ice where it hurts 20 minutes on, 1 hour off whenever you are awake. Get on all fours and do cat and camel exercises several times READ MORE
Sure. Most disc bulges respond well to self care: Ice where it hurts 20 minutes on, 1 hour off whenever you are awake. Get on all fours and do cat and camel exercises several times a day. Avoid NSAIDs, Tylenol, Aspirin, all of which slow recovery. Disc bulges, even sequestered fragments heal well with time; the subdural space is lousy with Macrophages, white blood cells that gobble up what doesn't belong there. Adjustments assist in healing in good alignment. If you do nothing but ice when and where you hurt, you are way ahead of the game.

Can chiropractic help with food allergies?

Allergies often respond to specific upper cervical chiropractic. Obviously, you want to avoid "poking the bear", so avoiding foods that have triggered symptoms in the past is worthwhile. READ MORE
Allergies often respond to specific upper cervical chiropractic. Obviously, you want to avoid "poking the bear", so avoiding foods that have triggered symptoms in the past is worthwhile. Once your upper cervical doctor has you holding your adjustment for a month or more, you can attempt to reintroduce SMALL amounts of the previously triggering foods. Keep moving and sit as little as possible while healing. You can look on for a listing of upper cervical chiropractors around the world.

How can a chiropractor help a herniated disc?

For one thing, a DC will often explain (doctor MEANS teacher) that disc lesions heal. We used to think that sequestered discs were a surgical situation. We now know that the subdural READ MORE
For one thing, a DC will often explain (doctor MEANS teacher) that disc lesions heal. We used to think that sequestered discs were a surgical situation. We now know that the subdural space, the space discs are extruded into or that nuclear material becomes free floating within are LOUSY with Macrophages, which gobble up such misplaced tissues. Given time and motion (that's why we recommend cat and camel exercises), and avoiding substances which inhibit the healing process, such as NSAIDs, disc lesions do heal. We will tell you to use ICE 20 minutes at a time, every hour or two that you are awake. Ice is your safest pain killer, and damps down edema as a bonus. We will also give instruction on exercises to avoid. Any movement such as hooking the leg on the side of the bed and twisting the low back makes trouble for healing a disc lesion . People who have never injured a disc can do this harmlessly, but if you have a Dx of disc herniation, you are not 19 years old any more.

Can I straighten my spine naturally?

Unfortunately if you're over 8 years old, no. However, Chiropractors can work with the surrounding muscles and joint alignment to get everything to work as well as it can.

What is the fastest way to fix scoliosis?

The only way to fix it, is to start young. If you're beyond 12, DCs can work on surrounding muscles and tissues.That can make a big difference.

Does chiropractic adjustment help ringing in the ears?

At least one chiropractor, Michael Burcon in Grand Rapids, Michigan, specializes in the management of Menere's syndrome, which includes vertigo, tinnitus, and (usually) unilateral READ MORE
At least one chiropractor, Michael Burcon in Grand Rapids, Michigan, specializes in the management of Menere's syndrome, which includes vertigo, tinnitus, and (usually) unilateral hearing loss. He has seen over a thousand people independently diagnose with this condition.It's slow, especially by comparison with response of other conditions (HA, LBP, etc.) to specific upper cervical care. Meniere's often requires a 3 to 6 month course of care, preferably guided by cone beam CT images.

Is a massage or chiropractor better for hip pain?

Both can be helpful. Chiropractic helps with bone alignment, particularly the SI joints, on either side of the sacrum, the triangular bone at the bottom of the spine, which joins READ MORE
Both can be helpful. Chiropractic helps with bone alignment, particularly the SI joints, on either side of the sacrum, the triangular bone at the bottom of the spine, which joins the two hip bones. After the chiropractic alignment, massage will help with the muscles.

When should you stop chiropractic treatment?

Never. It's smart to keep the wheels lined up on the car. I recommend monthly visits to my clients.

Should I go to a chiropractor for legs pain?

A chiropractor is likely to be more successful than alternatives when the pain is nerve related in its cause. Sciatica and pain with neck movement are examples.