Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Can chiropractors make a herniated disc worse?

I am a 42 year old male. I wonder if chiropractors can make a herniated disc worse?

13 Answers

It depends on the chiropractor. Most chiropractic care will help relieve pain from a herniated disc by shifting the herniation with a well executed adjustment, prescribing appropriate exercises and possibly the use of decompression. Unfortunately, some chiropractors are not as well trained as others and can be little more harsh/ aggressive in their adjusting style, which can actually make the herniation worse. Do your homework and find good one.
Hi there, there are instances where the adjustment is uncomfortable, however, that doesn't mean the disc was damaged further. Sometimes the joint needs an extra nudge to get in the correct position which leads to discomfort. I would like to see you go back if the pain persists to confirm if the disc is re-injured or if it's a symptom of something else. The doctor will inquire about the pattern of the discomfort both in timing of the day/postures and the physical pattern, meaning they'll ask you to trace the pain from beginning to end.

I hope this was helpful and that you are doing okay.

Dr. Morales, D.C.
Working with a herniated disk requires a a specific approach. A skilled chiropractor can greatly improve the symptoms associated with a herniated disk.
Proper chiropractic care can give great relief to the excruciating pain of a herniated disc. When I adjust a patient with a possible herniated disc, I do a technique called Flexion-Distraction, in which I do some stretches to traction the patient's spine creating some space between the vertebra and taking pressure off the disc that is being compressed. I am then able to do a conservative, low amplitude adjustment. Additionally, I instruct patients to do ice therapy at home between chiropractic treatments.
Herniated discs can easily get aggravated. A chiropractor will almost for sure not make the disc worse, but it doesn't mean that it can't get aggravated. Most herniated and bulging discs respond very well to chiropractic treatment.

Dr. Jonathan Donath, DC, MS
Herniated discs can and often become irritated or inflamed by a variety of physical means. A poor biomechanical adjustment can irritate a herniated disc but this is typically temporary.
Unfortunately that's possible. I would suggest disc traction or non forced adjustment.
Dr. Linda
Hello 42-year-old male,

The answer is yes, any health care professional can make a herniated disc worse if they prescribe the wrong treatment. To stop this from happening, research all the healthcare providers. Then choose the one that offers you the best solutions to reach your healthcare goals.
There are risks and benefits to any medical treatment or procedure, including chiropractic treatment. Having said that, chiropractic treatment is very safe, and it is more likely to help than to hurt.
Not normally.
This is very unusual but it can happen. I recommend going to a Chiropractor who uses Cox Flexion/Distraction Technique or Sacro-Occipital Technique, as they have extra training in patients with disc herniations.
Without a proper evidenced based evaluation regarding herniated discs, MRI are necessary to determine the degree/severity of the disc herniation If there is an protrusion/extrusion (herniation) and not evaluated as stated above the answer is yes.