“Can dental implants cause neck pain?”
I got 2 dental implants in my lower jaw. After the surgery, I now have neck pain. Can dental implants cause neck pain?
5 Answers
Neck muscular pain is not directly attributed to your dental implants but could be attributed to having to open wider than normal during the procedure. If you clench or grind your teeth, your mouth is not comfortable opening very wide for an extended period of time. During the surgery your mouth was open and strained the neck muscles. This will take time to return to normal. If you are having jaw bone pain near the surgery this is related to the surgery. In either case, call your surgeon to evaluate your condition.
They shouldn't cause neck pain. You should definitely let your oral surgeon know that you are having neck pain after implants.
Pain following surgery is multifactorial. Were teeth extracted? If so, how many? Were the extractions difficult? Was infection present at the time of surgery? How many implants were placed? How long was procedure? How many injections were needed to obtain profound anesthesia?
All of these questions play a part in the question you’re asking. Do implants cause neck pain? Generally speaking, placement of dental implants cause very little discomfort. Extractions are normally more traumatic thus causing more post operative pain.
All of these questions play a part in the question you’re asking. Do implants cause neck pain? Generally speaking, placement of dental implants cause very little discomfort. Extractions are normally more traumatic thus causing more post operative pain.