Dentist Questions Dentist

How can I get rid of a tooth infection without antibiotics?

I am a 33 year old male. I want to know how can I get rid of a tooth infection without antibiotics?

8 Answers

Remove the tooth
Think of an infected too like an infected finger on your hand. There are 3 choices: 1. do nothing, and leave the infection (but the problem gets worse, infection gets into bloodstream) 2. have the tooth removed (but usually you'll miss it) 3. have the tooth fixed (have the infection cleaned out of the tooth and a seal put in the place of the infected nerve & blood vessels) when the infection is gone, you can have the canals filled for long term, called a "root canal filling". If the tooth has a lot of damage, a crown can make it strong and long lasting. I had that done to an infected tooth of mine, and that was 45 years ago. Still doing great. You're right, don't take antibiotics unless absolutely necessary (severe swelling, etc.).
You can pull the tooth or get a root canal
To completely get rid of infection of a tooth you need definitive treatment like root canal or worse case scenario extraction. Even Antibiotics do not cure the infection of a tooth completely. It is imperative that you get it checked with a Dentist
Antibiotics help in preventing infections to spread and sometimes our own immunity needs a boost from antibiotics to help in controlling the infection. In certain cases, we may need to extract the infected tooth, or do a root canal treatment. If the infection is systemic, or you have a swelling, then antibiotics is gonna be a must.
By doing root canal therapy or extracting it.
A tooth infection (if specifically coming from the tooth and not the gum tissue) would need either an extraction or root canal therapy to completely treat the infection.