OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

I'm having trouble getting pregnant?

I've been trying to get pregnant for about four months and still haven't been able to. I've had a cycle and I was on the birth control shot but haven't taken it since December of 2020.

Female | 20 years old
Complaint duration: 4 months

4 Answers

Use ovulation kits. If not pregnant by 6 months go see your GYN

It can some time to get pregnant, but approximately 90% of people will get pregnant within 1 year. Make sure you are properly tracking your cycles, and testing to make sure you are ovulating with home ovulation test kits. Once you know when you are ovulating, then have intercourse at least 2-3 times that week (at least once before you ovulate, usually 24-36 hours beforehand). If you are still not able to get pregnant after a year, then I would recommend getting an infertility work up.


Michael I. Balat
Thank you for your question.
Infertility by definition is the process by which a couple has tried to be pregnant for a period of one year without success. Of course, we have to consider that the couple is having sex at least 3 times weekly and not using any form of contraception. My advice is to be patient and wait. If after a year you still cannot achieve your goal then you can start an investigation.
Most patients will get pregnant in a years time. To increase your chances, an ovulation predictor kit will help the timing of intercourse. If you don't get pregnant in that 12 months time, you and your partner should see a fertility specialist for some basic test on the two of you.
Good luck...

Dr. Dale Yingling, FACOG