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Can paralysis from stroke be recovered?

My grandmother has paralysis after a stroke. Can paralysis from stroke be recovered?

Does post-stroke nerve pain go away?

My friend had a stroke. After that, he has nerve pain in his arm. Does post-stroke nerve pain go away?

How long do damaged nerves in neck take to heal?

I have a damaged nerve in my neck. How long do damaged nerves take to heal?

Is nerve damage in the leg curable?

I have nerve damage in my leg. Is nerve damage in the leg curable?

Why can't I have a doctor look at my head without going to the ER?

I'm 78 years old. About 7 days after my head injury my head still feels warm but no discharge. There is a flap of skin size of a pea which I hope will fall off. I have no...

Covid vaccine?

I have a history of blood transfusions. I have 2 heart conditions. A blood clot on my brain. Anxiety. Depression. Insomnia. Bipolar. Epilepsy. I'm allergic to amoxicillin...

Head pain?

It feels like I hit my head on something but I haven’t. It’s not a headache or a migraine. It feels like I actually knocked my head on something. It has for days and if I move...

Can hydrocephalus cause hearing loss?

I'm aware of other numerological problems that may occur like seizures, visual disturbance, speech disturbance, etc but never had experienced hearing loss until now up to 2 days....

Night cramp?

I am suffering extreme pain in my lower left leg during the night.

What do the results of my full spine x-ray mean?

Slight pelvic tilt to the right. Negligible lumbosacral curve convex to that side and minimal bilateral thoracic curves. There appears to be a cervical rib-bilaterally, more...

Stabbing chest pain?

I was diagnosed recently with intercostal neuralgia. I have stabbing chest pain, numbness/weakness of my left arm and shoulder. The pain is constant and got worse today. Should...

I think I have a brain issue?

I am facing a problem that I hardly can explain. It's been 3 days. I feel my hands more than my head. About 2 days ago while I was using my laptop, I suddenly started to feel...

Why is the tip of my ring finger numb?

I woke up and noticed my right hand’s right finger is feeling numb and tingly at the tip. About 8 hours have passed and it still feels this way.

Bones and muscles?

On August 17th I took part in hand wrestling while standing. I have had a hand strain and wrist strain. I took Advil for the swelling but I still have weakness and tendon sensitivity....

How long does physical therapy take after a stroke?

My friend had a stroke and will have physical therapy. How long does physical therapy take after a stroke?

Can a neurologist help with autism?

My daughter was diagnosed with autism. I want to help her. Can a neurologist help with autism?

Is back nerve damage permanent?

I was diagnosed with back nerve damage. Is back nerve damage permanent?

What recovers first after stroke?

My friend had a stroke 2 days ago. What recovers first after stroke?

How long does back nerve damage take to fix?

I have back nerve damage. How long does back nerve damage take to fix?

Could I have a head injury?

About 3/12 ago I walked into scaffolding, knocked off my feet, difficulty getting up again. I have a large bump on my forehead which eventually resolved with the application of...

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