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How can I manage my restless leg syndrome?

I think that I might have a restless leg syndrome. I've read about it before and recognized the symptoms. How can I manage it or make it go away?

How can I ease insomnia?

I'm 30 and have been diagnosed with insomnia. It's pretty hard to deal with it sometimes so I'd like to know how can I ease insomnia?

Do I have sleep apnea?

I'm 27 and I'm having breathing problems over the night. Sometimes I lose my breath and suddenly wake up. Do I have sleep apnea?

Are enlarged tonsils the cause of snoring?

I've always had enlarged tonsils and started having problems with snoring about a year ago. Are my enlarged tonsils causing snoring?

How do I stop snoring?

I'm a 28-year old male and I've had problems with snoring for a couple of years now. How do I stop snoring? Need help!

What are the best home remedies for snoring?

My girlfriend says that I snore too much during the night and it's becoming a problem. What are the best home remedies for snoring?

What causes snoring?

My boyfriend snores a lot and it's getting harder and harder for me to take it. What actually causes snoring?

Do diabetics need more sleep?

I'm 24 years old and I was diagnosed with diabetes. I feel very tired all the time. Could it be from my diabetes?

What could be the cause of my insomnia?

I'm 25 years old and I have insomnia for several months. What could be the cause of my insomnia? Should I see a doctor?

What medications can I take for sleep issues?

I'm 32 years old and I have issues with sleep and want to take some medication. What medications can I take for sleep issues?

Will I be hooked up to a machine during my sleep study?

How do doctors monitors patients during sleep studies?

Why do some kids get restless leg syndrome?

My daughter was diagnosed with restless leg syndrome from her pediatrician and while researching it, I noticed that it's common among kids. Why is this a common sleep disorder...

Are home sleep tests accurate?

My doctor believes that I have sleep apnea after I was complaining of snoring so I took a home sleep test. At my house, not at a hospital. The results of this test came out to...

What can I do for restless leg syndrome?

My doctor believes that I have restless leg syndrome and he thinks that I should treat it by reducing my stress. Are there other treatment options I can use?

What causes restless leg syndrome?

My doctor believes that I have restless leg syndrome because I told him that sometimes, I have the need to constantly move my legs. What causes restless leg syndrome?

Cracks and scabs on nostrils when using bipap machine

I have tried everything under the sun to put in my nostrils before putting my mask on. Also, have tried different settings on the humidifier. Nothing seems to help. It is very...

Can Ambien cause night sweats?

I'm 30 years old, and I have been taking sleep medications, specifically Ambien, to treat my insomnia and now I have issues with night sweats. Are night sweats a known side effect...

What can I do with my insomnia?

I'm 30 years old, and I have been experiencing insomnia for about 4 months. I haven't been able to sleep since my mother died and it's been affecting a lot of my daily activities....

Can melatonin help me sleep better?

I've been very restless when sleeping, constantly moving around and waking up a few times a night. Should I take melatonin supplements to help me sleep better?

Do homeopathic therapies work for insomnia?

I feel like I have insomnia, and I stay up all night in my dorm and it's starting to affect my school work. Are there any homeopathic therapies that help?

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