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Eye lump?

I’ve had this bump on my eye for a couple of years now and throughout the time I noticed it grows larger and on occasion, it itches and sometimes burns.

My eye is swollen after I blew my nose?

I was in an accident the day before yesterday went to the hospital and was treated. I had no nose pain or eye pain but when I blew my nose my eye swelled up. How long does it...

A drop of raw chicken juice in my eye?

I got a drop of raw chicken juice in my eye at work. I had contacts in so I could not rinse it. It did not bother me cause it was just a speck of a drop. The next day my lower...

What causes difficulty seeing at night?

I have difficulty seeing at night. What could be the cause? Should I see a doctor?

Does LASIK cure night blindness?

I have night blindness. Does LASIK cure night blindness?

Will I need reading glasses after LASIK?

I will have LASIK surgery. Will I need reading glasses after LASIK?

When can I drive after LASIK surgery?

I will have LASIK surgery. When can I drive after LASIK surgery?

How permanent is laser eye surgery?

I have myopia and want to have laser surgery. How permanent is laser eye surgery?

Can myopia in children be corrected?

My daughter has myopia. Can myopia in children be corrected?

How can I slow down myopia in my child?

My daughter has myopia. How can I slow down myopia in my child?

Why do I have eye floaters?

I have eye floaters. Why do I have eye floaters?

Eye problem affecting my daughter?

My 4 year daughter has a . 4 eye number in both eyes includes cylindrical. Please suggest what should I do to reduce it.

My eye is red and swollen?

I have a red, swollen upper eyelid. It's tender to touch. I have constant pain but sharp pain when the eye moves to look around.

Eye swelling?

I woke up with the skin under my right eye swollen for no apparent reason. Like a bag under the eye. 1 day later skin under the left eye swelled but not as badly as the right....

I have a dark spot on the red fleshy part of the eye (conjunctiva i think its called?) is this something to worry about?

Hi, I am 17 year old male and today I just noticed this dark spot on the red fleshy part of my eye. I will attach a picture of it, I don't have any history of eye problems, I...

Blurry vision?

I am 15 years old and really need help to treat myself, I want information. About 7-9 years ago I had an issue I was rubbing my eye allot!! after some time I got blurry vision...

Can astigmatism come back after Lasik?

I will have LASIK surgery for astigmatism. Can astigmatism come back after Lasik?

How long does LASIK surgery last for astigmatism?

I will have LASIK surgery for astigmatism. How long does LASIK surgery last for astigmatism?

How to find a specialist in ocular migraines?

Are ocular migraines diagnosed and treated by a neurologist or by an ophthalmologist?

Does LASIK fix floaters?

I have floaters and want to fix them. Does LASIK fix floaters?

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