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How long is physiotherapy after spinal fusion?

I will get physiotherapy after spinal fusion. How long is physiotherapy after spinal fusion?

Can you get physiotherapy on hospice?

My friend is in hospice care. I wonder if you can get physiotherapy on hospice?

Is physiotherapy good for back pain?

I have back pain and want to treat it. Is physiotherapy good for back pain?

Can you fully recover from a left sided stroke?

My friend had a left-sided stroke. Can you fully recover from a left-sided stroke?

How long does swelling last after a foot injury?

I got a foot injury yesterday. I have swelling. How long does swelling last after a foot injury?

Do I continue steroid injections before my knee replacement?

I get steroid injections once a month for trigger points in my neck. I need a knee replacement soon. Will the trigger point injections cause a delay in the knee surgery?

I dislocated my finger during basketball?

I am 16 years old and I was playing basketball ball with my friends 2 days ago. My friend quickly passed the ball to me and I reached out to receive it, but my pinkie was fully...

I have muscle spasms?

At night in bed, I have muscle cramps in my legs, toes, and feet. Sometimes I have to get up and walk them out. Sometimes no matter how I turn they are there. I have to lay...

I have pain in my right arm?

My question is on my right arm by the elbow to the left I have pain. The vein gets big and thick and tender to touch. I would like to know if it is possible to have a blood clot...

I have cramps in my thighs after bending over?

Whenever I bend over at the waist to pick up something I get a cramp in my tights. Then I sit down then get up the cramp goes away.

I have a ruptured bakers cyst?

On 9/10/21, a noticeable bakers cyst appeared on the back of my knee (I’m guessing I overworked my knee the day before- up and downstairs and on my feet all day). On 9/14/21 I...

I fractured both wrists?

My son fractured both of his wrists equally. The doctor put a cast on one wrist and a fabric brace on the other so that he can still have a free hand to do stuff with. Is this...

Is physical therapy good for hospice patients?

My friend is in hospice. He wants to get physical therapy. Is physical therapy good for hospice patients?

Can a physical therapist help with hip pain?

I have hip pain and want to treat it. Can a physical therapist help with hip pain?

Can a stroke patient recover from paralysis?

My friend has stroke paralysis. Can a stroke patient recover from paralysis?

Is a chiropractor or physical therapist better for bad posture?

I have a bad posture and want to fix it. Is a chiropractor or physical therapist better for bad posture?

Gymnastics foot injury?

Hi, I'm a gymnast and I hit the inside of my foot really hard on the balance beam 2 weeks ago. (I was doing a leap onto a 115cm high and 4 inches wide balance beam and my whole...

Can hospice patients get physical therapy at home?

My friend is in hospice care. Can hospice patients get physical therapy at home?

Does physical therapy help spinal arthritis?

I have spinal arthritis and want to treat it. Does physical therapy help spinal arthritis?

What is the best exercise after a stroke?

I had a stroke 2 weeks ago. I want to exercise. What is the best exercise after a stroke?

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