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Does tapering of diazapan cause worsening anxiety?

I have severe anxiety. Does tapering of diazapan cause worsening anxiety?

I might be losing my mind?

Am I losing my mind? I keep hearing things that sound like they are right outside. But when I go to look or check there is nothing there.

Mental health question?

Is it normal to want to take every pill you see only when you have them in reach? And the same with cutting? And the same with wanting to hurt yourself if you see someone talking...

How can I reduce anxiety?

I have anxiety and want to fix it. How can I reduce anxiety?

Will antidepressants help my anxiety?

I have anxiety and want to treat it. Will antidepressants help my anxiety?

Can you treat cigarettes addiction?

I have a cigarettes addiction. Can you treat cigarettes addiction?

What to say to calm down an angry person?

My friend is getting angry too often. What to say to calm down an angry person?

Can you help someone with severe anger issues?

My friend has anger issues. Can you help someone with severe anger issues?

Is therapy effective for aggression?

I have aggressive behavior. Is therapy effective for aggression?

Am I okay?

I am 33 years old. I use to visualize bad things like when I heat the milk in the microwave it will explode so every time I heat it I visualize that. Sometimes when I am riding...

Panic attack advice?

Hello not sure if this is the right place but, about a month ago I was super stressed and I think it caused a panic attack, I felt like I was dying and it was terrifying. I went...

CBD interactions?

I have a prescription for Bromazepam for anxiety and insomnia. However, my symptoms are not that serious that necessitate a regular intake, so I try to use Bromazepam only when...

Stress causing shakes?

My mother in law past away on Jan 7. My father-in-law isn't handling it well. His stress level is obviously really high. His chest hurts all the time. He has slowly been getting...

Child stool?

My child is scared of clogging the toilet and keeps pooping on the floor.

Falling asleep?

When I started to fall asleep and close my eyes I started to drift off. I keep seeing things flying at me like a snake striking or falling off a clip or my body just jerks. Why...

How to recover from 30 years of meth use?

I have been using meth for 30 years now but for the first time in my life, I want to go clean. I don't have to but I really really want this for myself. I'm a good guy, I don't...

Anxiety medication that doesn’t cause sexual dysfunction or weight gain?

I have tried almost every SSRI and a couple of antidepressants. They have all caused loss of sexual interest and anorgasmia. What medications would you recommend for anxiety...

How to treat my vertigo?

I went last Monday to a doctor with the symptoms: dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea, and anxiety. He prescribed me hydroxyzine, and sertraline, he said i had vertigo and that...

Low anion gap?

Hello. I have not felt well for roughly 9 years now (I am a 56-year old male). My body trembles all of the time. I have heart palpitations, my head is always foggy, digestive...

Where do I go from this point?

I have experienced anxiety attacks for almost ten years now. When they first began, it was because I had emetophobia, and I would begin to panic if I felt sick to my stomach,...

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