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What exercise can I do after prostate surgery?

I had prostate surgery 10 days ago. I wonder what exercise can I do after prostate surgery?

What is an effective rehabilitation exercise for a sprained ankle?

I have sprained ankle and want to fix it. What is an effective rehabilitation exercise for a sprained ankle?

Swollen shoulder on left side?

About a month ago I noticed my left shoulder was swollen. It hasn't gotten worse but it's not getting better. It aches and is a little weak. I've put ice packs and heating pads...

Should I get surgery for a space narrowing at L5-S1?

I'm 44 years old, couple of months ago I started feeling an annoying pain in the posterior right leg while driving, and now it's very bad pain. I can't walk, can't sleep and I...

Enquiring about my physical health?

I am experiencing fatigue and a lack of motivation and it affects my daily life. I was diagnosed with anxiety - OCD previously. I would like to enquire about the reasons why...

How long does it take to recover from tennis elbow?

I have tennis elbow and want to treat it. How long does it take to recover from tennis elbow?

Bilateral leg pain?

Both my legs from the top of the knees to about the ankles hurt almost to the point of tears when I stand after sitting a while. When I move around it eases a little. I am 51...

Is a massage or chiropractor better for hip pain?

I have hip pain and want to fix it. Is a massage or chiropractor better for hip pain?

Is physical therapy good for tennis elbow?

I have a tennis elbow and want to fix it. Is physical therapy good for tennis elbow?

How long does it take to get rid of a heel spur?

I have a heel spur and want to fix it. How long does it take to get rid of a heel spur?

Is there any interaction between hip cortisone shots and ivermectin?

I’m getting steroid injections in my bursa on July 12 and I’m wondering if there’s any kind of drug interaction with ivermectin.

What type of care can help after a sports injury?

I injured my ankle after playing sports. What type of care can help after a sports injury?

How long is physical therapy after hand surgery?

I will have physical therapy after hand surgery. How long is physical therapy after hand surgery?

I have shooting electric shocks from my thorasic back on left side that wrap around into my breast. I feel like I’m being electrocuted?

I need to find a physiotherapist in Bergan County, New Jersey it could be costochondritis. The pain is so unbearable. The pain now is just in my entire breast and very painful...

Do you need physical therapy after bunion surgery?

I will have bunion surgery next week. I want to know if you need physical therapy after bunion surgery?

How long does physical therapy take for lower back pain?

I have lower back pain and want to get physical therapy. How long does physical therapy take for lower back pain?

Grinding sensation, "buckling" and random pain in the knee?

Hello everyone, I have visited an orthopedic last week and had an X-ray on both of my knee, the doctor suspected that the cartilage has became rough and that is why I felt pain...

How do you rehab after a heart attack?

I had a heart attack 2 weeks ago. I want to know how do you rehab after a heart attack?

Numbness in leg?

What would cause your leg to be totally numb, including foot?

Knee fluid?

How would you treat someone who didn't injure their knee but has vast swelling around the knee? Yellow fluid, synovial more than 50ml. I had this before and exploratory surgery,...

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