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Can type 2 diabetes be completely reversed?

I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes a while ago, but I've treated it as a wake up call to take better care of myself. I've changed my diet and I'm starting to exercise more....

Is sepsis a common infection you can get from the hospital?

My mom had abdominal surgery, and once she was home, she was experiencing a fever and difficulty breathing. We took her back to the hospital immediately and it turned out that...

Hot flashes after menopause. Normal?

My mother is 70-years-old, and went through menopause when she was 55 years old. However, even though she's in seventies, she's still experiencing hot flashes. Is this normal?...

How should I manage my weight with metabolic syndrome?

I was diagnosed with metabolic syndrome when I was a teenager, and it's been a few years since then, and I still have issues with managing my weight properly. I've mainly tried...

What can I do for my child's nightmares?

My 6-year-old keeps having nightmares. He'll wake up screaming, and is too afraid to fall asleep because of them. We aren't sure what we can do for this, other than talking to...

Can vitamin C prevent the flu?

I've been trying to boost up my immune system so that I don't have to take any of my sick days from work. I want to try taking something like, Airborne, to increase my levels...

Swollen Lymph Nodes for 7 years. Lymphoma?

Hello! I am 16 years old and I have had these several lumps or (swollen lymph nodes) for about 7-8- years now maybe longer. I have had many regular blood tests done over the years...

Should my daughter take an antibiotic for whooping cough?

Hi, can I ask if my daughter could take an antibiotic last December 12 then take it again on December 31 because of whooping cough? Are there side effects? She has a fever and...

I am suffering from a vaginal infection. Should I see an OB-GYN?

I am 20 years old and have been suffering from a few symptoms such as pain while urinating, and a strong smell from vaginal discharge. Do I need to visit a gynecologist or an...

When is the right time to switch from a pediatrician to a regular doctor?

My son is now 15 years and has been visiting a pediatrician for all check-ups and illnesses. When is the right time to switch him from a pediatrician to a regular internist or...

Does an internist work only in hospital settings?

I have completed my Internal Medicine course and want to go further in this field. Would I need to work in hospital setting or can I work alongside an internist in a private clinic?...

Is it required for an internist to specialize in other areas?

I have heard that an internist can go to school for two to three years of specializing in other medical fields. But is there a compulsion to do so? Since I just completed my...

When do you need to visit an internist for diabetes?

I have diabetes and I need some guidance on whether or not I should visit an internist or an endocrinologist to help me manage it. I'm newly diagnosed so I'm unsure of what to...

Should a radiologist inform the patient about the test results?

Recently I got an X-ray and an MRI. Before I could take the reports to my doctor, the radiologist provided the results to me. Are those results accurate or do I still need to...

A glass piece got into my foot. What should I do next?

A piece of glass got into my foot when I stepped on it accidentally in my bare feet. I managed to take the glass piece out. What should the next steps for treatment to ensure...

How long do surgical stitches take to heal?

I had an abdominal surgery. How long will the stitches take to heal completely?

How can I lose weight with my diabetes?

I am a diabetic and I want to lose weight. However, I always have trouble dieting. Is there a way to lose weight without dieting?

Is there a medication for wet dreams

I'm fourteen years old, and I'm getting wet dreams quite frequently. It's a little embarrassing. Is there a medication to just. . . stop them?

My mother's sugar levels are dropping, what could be the reason?

My mother is 75 years old and has been a diabetes patient. Her sugar levels are dropping regularly. Why could this be happening?

Are vaginal washes safe?

I recently came across an advertisement for vaginal washes. Are these safe to use?

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