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Can too much screen time damage my eyes?

I am an office worker. I want to know if too much screen time can damage my eyes?

Will salt water help dry eyes?

I have dry eyes and want to fix them. Will salt water help dry eyes?

Can you put eye drops in your eyes while wearing contacts?

I wear contacts. I wonder if I can put eye drops in my eyes while wearing contacts?

What are the side effects of Femto LASIK?

I will have Femto LASIK surgery. What are the side effects of Femto LASIK?

Can night blindness be fixed?

I have night blindness and want to fix it. What are my options?

Do you feel anything during cataract surgery?

I will have cataract surgery. I am afraid. Do you feel anything during cataract surgery?

How can short-sightedness be cured permanently?

I have short-sightedness and want to treat it. How can short-sightedness be cured permanently?

Can pilots get laser eye surgery?

I am a pilot and want to get laser eye surgery. Can pilots get laser eye surgery?

What can I do for eye pain after cataract surgery?

I had cataract surgery 3 days ago. My eyes hurt bad. What can I do for eye pain after cataract surgery?

What medications should be avoided with glaucoma?

I was diagnosed with glaucoma. What medications should be avoided with glaucoma?

How long does glaucoma surgery last?

I have glaucoma and want to have surgery. How long does glaucoma surgery last?

Is there a surgery to eliminate reading glasses?

I wear reading glasses and I am tired of them. Is there a surgery to eliminate reading glasses?

Can type 2 diabetics get Lasik eye surgery?

I have type 2 diabetes and want to have Lasik surgery for myopia. Can type 2 diabetics get Lasik eye surgery?

How can I lower my intraocular pressure naturally?

I have high eye pressure. How can I lower my intraocular pressure naturally?

Do eye drops help with eye infection?

I have an eye infection. I want to treat it. Do eye drops help with an eye infection?

Eye problem?

I'm using new sets of glasses my eyes are always heavy and i can't see properly without them. . . please help?

What are the disadvantages of Femto-Lasik surgery?

I have myopia and want to treat it with Femto-Lasik surgery. What are the disadvantages of Femto-Lasik surgery?

Can laser eye surgery fix retinal tear?

I was diagnosed with a retinal tear. Can laser eye surgery fix retinal tear?

Can you ride a car after retinal surgery?

I will have retinal surgery. Can you ride a car after retinal surgery?

Are blue light glasses safe?

I want to wear blue light glasses. Are blue light glasses safe?

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