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Can contact lenses cause eye pain?

I wear contact lenses already 3 days. I have eye pain. Can contact lenses cause eye pain?

Can wearing contacts everyday damage your eyes?

I wear contact lenses every day. Can wearing contacts every day damage your eyes?

How can I prevent infection after Lasik?

I had Lasik 7 days ago. I want to know how can I prevent infection after Lasik?

How long after cataract surgery do floaters go away?

I have floaters after cataract surgery. How long after cataract surgery do floaters go away?

What happens if I get water in my eye after Lasik?

I had Lasik surgery 1 week ago. I suddenly got water in my eye this morning. What happens if I get water in my eye after Lasik?

Why is my vision still blurry after getting new contacts?

I was seeing blurry with old contacts in and still see blurry with new ones. Learn more from our experts.

How long do steroid eye drops stay in your system?

I use steroid eye drops after eye surgery. How long do steroid eye drops stay in your system?

Detached retina?

About 3 days ago I suddenly experienced a floater in my left eye accompanied by flashing light. Is this a detached retina? Emergency?

Does myopia return after Lasik?

I will have Lasik for myopia. Is it permanent? Does myopia return after Lasik?

How long does it take for a blood clot in the eye to go away?

I noticed a blood clot in my eye. How long does it take for a blood clot in the eye to go away?

Is lasik eye surgery only meant for people with very bad eyesight?

My eyes are -2. 5 which isn't too bad. Can people with moderately bad vision also get lasik?

What are the advantages of having refractive surgery?

I am 62 and do not want to lose my vision as I age. What do they do?

What is strabismus surgery?

I have a 6-year-old daughter, and our doctor is concerned with her misaligned eyes. She thinks we should have strabismus surgery to correct the alignment. What is strabismus...

When is the ideal time to get laser eye surgery?

I'm 26 and I know your eyes continue to change and develop through your 20s, so I don't want to do it before it's useful. When is the ideal time to get laser eye surgery?

How do pigmentation and a nevus differ?

My eye doctor just told me that I have a "nevus", which I don't exactly understand. What is the difference between having a 'nevus' in your eye, and just having a spot of excessive...

What helps eye pain after cataract surgery?

I have eye pain after having cataract surgery. I want to know what helps eye pain after cataract surgery?

How many days rest is needed after cataract surgery?

I will have cataract surgery. I want to know how many days rest is needed after cataract surgery?

How do you treat astigmatism in your eyes?

I was diagnosed with astigmatism. Is it serious? What are the treatment options?

What helps pain after laser eye surgery?

After laser eye surgery I have pain. Is there any eye drop I can use? Or should I visit a doctor?

Can Lasik surgery cause vertigo?

After I had laser eye surgery I've been having mild attacks of vertigo. Can Lasik surgery cause vertigo?

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