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What could be the reason behind the stiffness of my neck?

For the last week I have been suffering from stiffness in my neck. I have tried all possible balms and pain-relieving sprays, but it is still there and I have pains. What could...

I have swelling in my legs.. What should I do?

I am a 26 year old girl and all of a sudden I am noticing swelling in my legs particularly when I walk even a short distance. What could be the reason for this swelling and who...

I am having a painful sensation around my tailbone after a blood patch was done. What could be the reason?

I underwent a spinal tap test followed by a blood patch about two days later. I now have a swollen bump on my tailbone which is hurting a lot. While the doctor says there is...

Unexplained bruising, cough, etc

Unexplained bruising for over a yr. At one point bruise would come and go. 4 weeks ago one huge bruise followed by many new smaller ones. Every day. Few random bruises on arms...

Can back pain cause headaches?

I am a 27 year old woman and I had a bad fall on my back last month. While the back pain has been a cause of concern ever since the fall, I am also suffering from severe headaches...

Various aches and pains

I have aches and pains all over. Nothing in particular. Could physiatry help me be more comfortable?

For a sprain what is more advisable a hot pack or a cold pack?

Every time I have a sprain or a muscular pull there is a debate at home on putting the hot pack or the cold pack. While both seem to have a similar effect, I would like to understand...

Is my mother's leg pain sciatica or something else?

My mother has been complaining of a severe leg pain that arises from her hips all the way down upto her calf muscles. While this seems like a sciatica, could it also be something...

Can being overweight cause hip pain?

I have recently put on a lot of weight due to my thyroid imbalance. I have a shooting pain around my hips every time I sit or walk. Could this be because of my wight or something...

What is the possible treatment for back pain followed by lifting heavy weight?

I am a workout freak and also into lifting heavy weights during my workout. However since yesterday I am suffering from a low back pain after lifting heavy weights which just...

How can i reduce my shoulder pain that arises due to long hours of working on the computer?

I have a job that requires me to sit on the computer for almost 20 hours. I have been suffering from a shoulder pain that extends down up to my elbow. I think it is because of...

Can you explain the conditions which cause right lower abdominal pain?

I have been noticing a right lower abdominal pain whenever I walk too fast. What could be the cause for this pain? Is it my walking posture or something else?

What causes headaches?

For the last 4 days I have been waking up to a heavy head with a sharp pain that extends upto the neck. Is it something to worry about or will it settle on its own?

Best treatment for a headache

What is better for a headache, ibuprofen or acetomeniphen?

Are there any symptoms for blood cancer?

I am a 42 year old man with a family history of blood cancer as both my father and grandfather died of the same condition. Are there any symptoms of blood cancer and is it a hereditary...

Do vitamin B12 shots cause derealization symptoms?

My son is 26 years old and has been suffering from Autism since childhood. For the last 5 years he has been prescribed vitamin B12 shots. He has suddenly been suffering from...

My symptoms started two months ago with dizziness that progressed?

I am a 32 year old and all of a sudden I have been feeling dizziness that lasts for about 10 minutes and subsides on its own. Is it something serious or a temporary phase?

What could be the reason behind lightheadedness, dizziness and stomach upset together?

My husband returned from work last evening and complained of symptoms like light headedness, dizziness and an upset stomach all together. What could be the reason behind these...

What are the symptoms of strep throat?

My little one who is 5 years old has suddenly developed a throat infection. It looks red from the inside and she has been complaining immensely of the pain. Could be a regular...

What should be my first few steps when experiencing chest pain?

Not all chest pains are heart attacks is what i have been told. So, what should be the first few steps if I or my loved one experiences a chest pain? Are there ways to determine...

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