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How to help your child through spinal cord tumor surgery?

My child needs spinal cord tumor surgery and I don't know how to help them. How to help your child through spinal cord tumor surgery?

Estrogen and progesterone-positive breast cancer survivor stopping Femara?

I was diagnosed in December 2013 with breast cancer, stage 2, estrogen and progesterone positive, extremely high aggressive growth rate, very large tumor on chest wall found by...

What is more dangerous low or high blood blood count?

I am a 49 year old male. I want to know what is more dangerous low or high blood count?

How to help a family member with dementia?

My father is 82 and has severe dementia. We are not sure how to help him. How to help a family member with dementia?

What diseases cause high white blood cell count?

I am a 36 year old male and I have high white blood cell count. What diseases cause high white blood cell count?

Why are certain children born with blood disorders?

My husband and I have a child who was born with a blood disorder. We want to know why? Why are certain children born with blood disorders?

Can HPV cause skin cancer?

I recently had Mohs procedure done on my left groin to follow with 2 weeks of chemo cream to apply around incision after 6 weeks. I had just a small red area on my groin, was...

How to handle leukemia diagnosis?

My wife and I found out our daughter has leukemia 2 days ago. We are completely lost. How to handle leukemia diagnosis?

How to emotionally support a child with anemia?

My 14 year old daughter is anemic and she's very sad. How to emotionally support a child with anemia?

Which blood donor is the universal donor?

I am a 20 year old female. I want to know which blood donor is the universal donor?

If I do BRCA1/2 genes tests, will I get cancer that is more aggressive?

I had breast cancer twice in my life. Both my parents and younger brother have died of cancer. My breast cancer is related to IBC. Does my cancer become more aggressive?

How to treat leukemia?

My 9 year old son was diagnosed with leukemia. What can we do?

Can a full body MRI detect cancer?

I am a 48 year old male. I will have a full body ct scan. I wonder if a full body MRI can detect cancer?

Can an ultrasound detect kidney cancer?

I am a 40 year old male. I want to know if an ultrasound can detect kidney cancer?

How to treat an embryonic tumor in a child?

My 14 year old daughter was diagnosed with an embryonic tumor. How to treat an embryonic tumor in a child?

Why are some children born with cancer?

I have a niece with lymphoma, and I was wondering what cause cancer to develop in children. Even with excellent prenatal care.

Can an aneurysm be cured?

My 13 year old daughter has a brain aneurysm and we are worried sick. Can an aneurysm be cured?

Is there a treatment for pancreatic cancer?

I am a 57 year old male who has pancreatic cancer. I want to know my options. Is there a treatment for pancreatic cancer?

How to treat a child with bone cancer?

My 12 year old son was diagnosed with osteosarcoma. We were told it is a cancer involving the bones. What are the treatment options?

How long does a breast biopsy take?

I am a 45 year old female and I will have a breast biopsy next week. How long does a breast biopsy take?

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