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How does chiropractic care treat sciatica?

I am a 35 year old male and I have sciatica. I want to know how does chiropractic care treat sciatica?

What are the two main types of chiropractors?

I am a 21 year old male. I want to know what are the two main types of chiropractors?

Can a chiropractor relax your spine?

I am a 34 year old female. I want to have a chiropractic back/spine adjustment. Can a chiropractor relax your spine?

Can you become paralyzed from a chiropractor?

I will have my chiropractic back adjustment next week. But I have this irrational fear. Can you become paralyzed from a chiropractor?

Can a chiropractor help with vertigo?

I am a 38 year old female and I have vertigo once a week. Can a chiropractor help with vertigo?

Should you rest after a chiropractic adjustment?

I am a 33 year old male. I will have a chiropractic adjustment next week. Should you rest after a chiropractic adjustment?

How should you sleep if you have scoliosis?

I am an 18 year old male who has scoliosis. How should you sleep if you have scoliosis?

Is there a specific chiropractic treatment for neck pain?

I am a 32 year old male. I want to get a chiropractic treatment for my neck pain. Is there a specific chiropractic treatment for neck pain?

How often should you get a chiropractic adjustment after a car accident?

I am a 30 year old male and I had a car accident 3 months ago. How often should you get a chiropractic adjustment after a car accident?

Can a chiropractic treatment become dangerous?

I am a 24 year old female and I will have a chiropractic treatment for my neck pain. Can a chiropractic treatment become dangerous?

What can I do about my knee pain?

I am a 34 year old female with chronic knee pain. What can I do? Should I see a doctor?

What are the treatment options for scoliosis?

Our 14 year old daughter has scoliosis without an intense curve. What are the treatment options for scoliosis?

Why do I only have pain in my left knee?

I am a 39-year-old female who only has pain in her left knee, not right. What can be the cause? Should I see a doctor?

What can I do about my hip pain?

I am a 41-year-old male and I have had bad hip pain for almost 2 weeks. Should I see a doctor?

Is a chiropractic consultation needed?

I hurt my back during softball practice and am scheduled to see a chiropractor. Is a chiropractic consultation needed for a back injury?

Will my chiropractor tell me how often I need to see them?

I'm 42 years old and I threw out my back. I just consulted a chiropractor. How often will I need to see her if I threw my back out?

Why does my neck ache after waking up?

I'm an 18 year old male. I recently began waking with an upper neck ache that does not seem to go away. What can be the cause?

Can pregnant women go see a chiropractor?

I know that I have to be extra careful with everything that I do because I am pregnant, but my back has been killing me. I can barely stand up straight. Can pregnant women go...

What is the difference between a physical therapist and a chiropractor?

I fell a while ago and my back has been hurting a lot. My friend recommends a chiropractor, but I feel that a therapist would be better. What is the difference between a physical...

What is it called if your back is out of line?

My back/spine feels like it is all out of line. I just feel kind of crooked. Is there a name for this? How is it treated?

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