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My 3 year old has trouble eating?

I am a mother of a 3 years old girl. My child had a problem with vomiting since she was 6 months old when I started to give her food until now. She is losing weight and she doesn't...

I have slow growth?

If we sit on a pc or mobile 24/7 will my growth become slow? I'm a diabetic patient, is my growth slow due to diabetes, or me sitting with my pc 24/7?

How do I know if I have tourettes?

For the last few months, I've been experiencing involuntary body movements and vocal blurts ranging from beeps and clicks to racial discrimination. Bodily tics include kicking,...

STDs and athletes?

If an athlete gets an STD, are they still allowed to play their sport? Soccer, etc

I'm feeling very sick?

I'm 13 years old. I feel nauseous, hot, anxious, shaky. I don't want to go out, I'm scared of being sick. It happened once before and I passed out but it's like that and I didn't...

I can't feel anything on the left side of my throat?

I am not feeling anything on the left side of the throat even when I'm eating, drinking, or smoking. Eventually, when I'm sick it hurts a little but that's it. I have been experiencing...

My 7 year old son has been sick?

He was just getting over the flu (at least we thought) so we sent him back to school after going to the hospital a day or two before. He spent 2 days at school and on the 2nd...

Head injury as baby?

I was breached as a baby. My head scraped my mom's pelvic bone during them turning me and I have a bald spot. Well, my mom told me the doctors said I could potentially have cancer...

Aplasia Cutis type 5?

My son was born with possible Aplasia Cutis and I have been asked to take him for a biopsy, will this give definite answers?

CBC explanation?

My daughter has had 2 cbc checks done in 6 days. Her doctors keep brushing it off. I need to know if the areas that are abnormal are cause for concern. The first lab set was...

Is this just all in my head or growing pains or is it something more?

I have aching pains in my joints specifically my fingers, wrists, knees, shoulders, and hips. I have stabbing pain or numbness in my hands sometimes it feels like I'm wearing...

Is my son okay?

My son was born prematurely due to my placenta rupturing at 35 weeks. He was not breathing when he was born but they were able to bring him back. He was in the NICU for 2 months...

Why do I have these seizures if it’s not epilepsy?

It started when I was 11 the first one I went to the doctors for and they did a CT scan and MRI scan and they were both clean. It happened in my sleep this time and was the only...

I wonder if my symptoms are serious or not?

I have been sick for 8 days, from January 9th, of this year, to today. On the first day, I developed a cough, second day, I developed a sore throat, third day, I developed a stomach...

My 9 year old daughter smoking cigarettes?

I caught my 9 year old daughter smoking cigarettes in her bedroom and found out she has been smoking for about 6 months. She is addicted and doesn't want to quit because she really...

Should I be worried?

I’m a 17 year old female who’s been experiencing palpitations and tachycardia for some months now. I’ve had many EKGs and been to the ER many times for them (even though there...

I easily lose weight?

I can’t gain weight no matter what I do and I can very easily lose weight. Yes, I eat healthily and eat normally. I’ve always been very weak and tired for years now and I did...

Neurological pattern?

Hello doctor: I repeat my words and action if I do some work like if I close the gas supply to the stove I again touch the knobs to check gas is not leaking or the stove is closed....

Losing weight without trying?

Recently I've lost 20lbs in the last few weeks I feel fine I am diagnosed with severe depression and take 20mg of Prozac. I recently lost my grandmother a few weeks ago so that...

Allergy to Red Bull?

So, the last couple of months I've been drinking 2-4 250ml cans of Red Bulls. Normally when I did this I'd be fine, lately, I've started getting rashes/ hives all over my face...

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