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My depression pills?

What happens if I take more than prescribed?

What causes alcohol addiction?

My friend has an alcohol addiction. What causes alcohol addiction?

Can you treat alcohol addiction with medications?

I have an alcohol addiction. Can you treat alcohol addiction with medications?

Should I go to a psychiatrist for drug addiction?

I have a drug addiction. Should I go to a psychiatrist for drug addiction?

What is a treatment plan for alcohol abuse?

I have an alcohol addiction and want to treat it. What is a treatment plan for alcohol abuse?

Can you help with drug addiction?

I have a drug addiction and want to fix it. Can you help with drug addiction?

Where can I get subutex prescribed to me?

I am really sick right now I was addicted to opioids and I started subutex. I never had insurance now I have insurance where can I get subutex prescribed to me?

Tapering off diazepam?

I'm tapering from diazepam have extreme anxiety and panic. I took them for anxiety.

Is there medication for addiction?

I have an alcohol addiction. Is there medication for addiction?

How can I get rid of drug addiction?

I have a drug addiction and want to treat it. How can I get rid of drug addiction?

How much is too much?

I drink every day, 1 to 2 four lokos a day but never more than that. Is it killing me?

Should antidepressant medication be used in the elderly?

My grandfather has depression. Should antidepressant medication be used in the elderly?

Can you treat cigarettes addiction?

I have a cigarettes addiction. Can you treat cigarettes addiction?

Exercise after cocaine use?

Hello, 48 hours ago I consumed two lines of cochineal. How long should I wait before I go on to any form of exercise?

How to recover from 30 years of meth use?

I have been using meth for 30 years now but for the first time in my life, I want to go clean. I don't have to but I really really want this for myself. I'm a good guy, I don't...

Should I go to a psychiatrist for alcohol addiction?

I have an alcohol addiction. Should I go to a psychiatrist for alcohol addiction?

How long is alcohol addiction treatment?

I have an alcohol addiction and want to treat it. How long is alcohol addiction treatment?

What is the most successful way to treat alcohol addiction?

My friend has an alcohol addiction. What is the most successful way to treat alcohol addiction?

What are the methods to treat alcohol addiction?

I have an alcohol addiction and want to treat it. What are the methods to treat alcohol addiction?

What is the best way to help an obese person?

My friend has obesity and I want to help her. What is the best way to help an obese person?

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