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How much exercise is enough to be healthy?

I'm not a big fan of exercise, but I've started to gain weight and want to control it. How much exercise is enough to be healthy and fit as I don't want to spend too much time...

Can obesity cause a mental health problem?

I'm a 50 year old obese female. As I'm getting older, I've been starting to feel depressed and rarely go out. Is obesity causing these mental health problems?

Can young people be diagnosed with diabetes?

My niece who is 19 is overweight and has always been like that. I'm worried that she's on the path to get diabetes. Can young people be diagnosed with it?

What should my daughter do about obesity?

My daughter is 27 an is obese. She's struggling a lot about it and I don't know how to help her. What should my daughter do about this?

Do fruit smoothies aid in weight control?

I'm a 29-year-old woman looking to lose weight. Do fruit smoothies aid in weight control?

What forms of exercise provide permanent weight loss?

Is there a best form of exercise? I want to lose weight but my joints get sore easily. What forms of exercise provide permanent weight loss?

Weight watchers or Nutrisystem?

I'm trying to lose some weight safely before my wedding. I want to lose around 40 lbs and I'm considered borderline obese for my age and height. Which do you think is better...

What diseases can be caused by obesity?

My son is 17 years old and his doctor told us that his BMI indicates obesity. If my son continues to be obese, what diseases is he at risk for?

Does acupressure for weight loss work?

I'm pretty overweight, but I want to try something to help me lose this weight. Does acupressure for weight loss work?

Does being overweight make it harder for me to lose weight?

I'm pretty heavy and I'm only 27 years old. I want to lose some weight but I'm not sure how to go about it. Does being overweight make it harder for me to lose weight?

How do I approach my son about his eating disorder?

I believe my 12 year old son has a binge-eating disorder, and this started after he tried out for the wrestling team. I think he's doing this to bulk up. . . How do I approach...

Is it harder to lose weight with type 2 diabetes?

I'm trying to lose weight because it's really the cause of my diabetes, but I feel like it's not really working. I changed my diet and I exercise at least 2 times a week. Is...

What's the difference between obese and overweight?

I've been considered overweight for the past year and a half but after I gained a few more pounds, I'm considered obese. What's the main difference between obese and overweight?...

What are the best antidepressants for weight loss?

Because of my weight, I've been in a depression that I just can't seem to get out of. Are there any antidepressants that you prescribe that help weight loss and depression?

Is obesity considered a psychiatric disorder?

My mom thinks my mental health has a lot to do with my weight because I apparently "eat my feelings". Maybe it's true, but I don't know. I'm borderline obese, and my mom is really...

Are eating disorders a psychological issue or physical disease?

I think my sister has a binge-eating disorder. She's 28 years old, and she always eats. This started after our mom's death. Is an eating disorder a physical disease or a psychological...

Can major depression cause obesity?

I have major depression and have gained a lot of weight over the past year. Can major depression cause obesity?

Can eating disorders develop at any age?

I am 42 and male. Right now, I think I may have an eating disorder since I've been binge eating a lot, but I think I'm too old to have one. I'm not sure when I exactly started...

Weight loss hypnosis?

I'm having trouble sticking to a diet, and I'm considering trying other methods to help me with weight loss. Have you heard of hypnosis for weight-loss? Is it effective in your...

Is Contrave safe for weight-loss?

My psychiatrist prescribed me Contrave to help with weight loss, after I showed some progress with my diet and exercise. Is this a safe medication? I heard that this medication...

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