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Melissa Kristelle Fling, AU.D.


Dr. Melissa Fling Au.D. is a top audiologist that practices at Advantage ENT and Audiology in Arvada and Westminster, Colorado. She specializes in diagnosing and treating hearing and vestibular/balance disorders.
9 years Experience
Melissa Kristelle Fling, AU.D.
  • Arvada, Co
  • Central Michigan University
  • Accepting new patients

What causes a whooshing fan sound in your ear?

Well, could be a number of things. Is it constant, intermittent, recurring, or temporary? The term for noises in the ears is tinnitus. The most common cause is noise exposure, READ MORE
Well, could be a number of things. Is it constant, intermittent, recurring, or temporary? The term for noises in the ears is tinnitus. The most common cause is noise exposure, but there are many other causes (i.e., change in blood flow to inner ear, wax buildup, hearing loss, high blood alcohol level, head trauma, medications, bacterial/viral infection, etc). Are you also noticing a change in hearing? First step could be to see an audiologist to have your hearing evaluated. 

How long does tinnitus last after a cold?

Hi there, There's no great way to predict that. If it's a new symptom that's existed for a week or more, I'd recommend seeing an audiologist and ENT. Have your ears and hearing READ MORE
Hi there,

There's no great way to predict that. If it's a new symptom that's existed for a week or more, I'd recommend seeing an audiologist and ENT. Have your ears and hearing evaluated to see if there is an obvious, treatable cause for the tinnitus. 

Tinnitus treatment?

I would suggest starting with a hearing test. This will determine if you have hearing loss and the possible cause of the sounds in your ears, which is called tinnitus.

Frequency of acupuncture?

I'm sorry. This is out of my area of expertise. I will say that ringing in the ears, tinnitus, does not currently have a cure, but it does not hurt to do acupuncture. Search "Tinnitus READ MORE
I'm sorry. This is out of my area of expertise. I will say that ringing in the ears, tinnitus, does not currently have a cure, but it does not hurt to do acupuncture. Search "Tinnitus Management Workbook" on Google. That information may be helpful for you.

What causes ringing or whirling noses in your ear?

There are many causes. The condition is called tinnitus. The most common cause is noise exposure that damages hearing. Other common causes are ear wax, head trauma, ear infection, READ MORE
There are many causes. The condition is called tinnitus. The most common cause is noise exposure that damages hearing. Other common causes are ear wax, head trauma, ear infection, medication, etc. If you have had a recent onset of tinnitus, I suggest having a baseline hearing exam with a local licensed audiologist. 

Does acupuncture help with tinnitus?

Nothing has been proven to cure tinnitus yet, but stress plays a significant role in severity and/or awareness of tinnitus, so anything that could help with overall health and READ MORE
Nothing has been proven to cure tinnitus yet, but stress plays a significant role in severity and/or awareness of tinnitus, so anything that could help with overall health and stress levels could potentially help with your awareness of and/or your aggravation with your tinnitus. 

Can having tinnitus affect your speech?

Not directly, no, but because it can be distracting, it may have an indirect effect on your perceived ability to monitor your speech. 

Does your oral health affect your ear health?

Poor oral health can potentially affect the structures of the ear, but the secondary effects of poor oral health have been looked at more in regards to heart health. 

Ear popping when I press on a specific area below my ear?

If you're hearing the popping mostly when opening and closing mouth, it's likely the Eustachian tube opening and closing, which is normal with jaw movement. 

How do you relieve nerve pain in your ear?

That's out of my scope of expertise. If you have ear pain, you could see a general practitioner or an otolaryngology. 

Is hearing damage permanent?

It depends on the cause and if the damaging factor is a single event or recurrent. Noise exposure, for example, may cause temporary damage that heals within 72 hours, but if it's READ MORE
It depends on the cause and if the damaging factor is a single event or recurrent. Noise exposure, for example, may cause temporary damage that heals within 72 hours, but if it's repetitive without hearing protection, it is more likely to cause permanent damage. If you're concerned, obtain a baseline hearing test. 

Can cold air make your ears hurt?

Yes. Either extreme temperature can hurt. Ears may get cold faster because they're mostly made of cartilage, which does not have a lot of blood flow. 

Does hearing always get worse with age?

Yes, but how much worse and how quickly it gets worse will depend on several variables like lifestyle (i.e., health, noise exposure, etc.) and genetics. Age-related hearing loss READ MORE
Yes, but how much worse and how quickly it gets worse will depend on several variables like lifestyle (i.e., health, noise exposure, etc.) and genetics. Age-related hearing loss usually starts showing up in the 50s, and it's typically slow in its progression unless there are other variables accelerating it (i.e., poor health, noise exposure, chemotherapy, etc.).

What causes excessive ear wax?

Well, there's no one cause. Many times, if you produce a lot, it's just part of your body's biology. Some people perspire more than others and some produce more ear wax than others. On READ MORE
Well, there's no one cause. Many times, if you produce a lot, it's just part of your body's biology. Some people perspire more than others and some produce more ear wax than others. On the flip side, excessive Q-tip use can push wax deeper into the canal. If this is repeated, it can cause an impaction, which is not necessarily due to excessive production, but to interfering with the ear canal's natural cleaning mechanism. 

Can tonsil stones block your ears?

That's pretty unlikely given the anatomy. A tonsil stone could get lodged in the Eustachian tube, but unlikely. 

How often should a 30 year old get a hearing test?

Every 3 to 5 years or less if you have risk factors (i.e., regular exposure to noise with or without the use if hearing protection, genetic hearing loss in family, chronic health READ MORE
Every 3 to 5 years or less if you have risk factors (i.e., regular exposure to noise with or without the use if hearing protection, genetic hearing loss in family, chronic health conditions) or notice changes. 

How long does ear ringing last?

It depends on the cause. If you've had trauma to your ears from dangerous noise level, ringing can be temporary (i.e., up to 48 hours) or if permanent damage was done, it may not READ MORE
It depends on the cause. If you've had trauma to your ears from dangerous noise level, ringing can be temporary (i.e., up to 48 hours) or if permanent damage was done, it may not go away. In many cases, however, trauma from noise exposure causes temporary tinnitus (ringing), which resolves within 48 hours once ears have healed themselves. If it lasts longer, it is recommended to have your hearing checked. 

What's underneath my ears or are they just swollen from an allergic reaction?

Can you go see a general practitioner? That's where I'd start. If appropriate, they'll refer you to an ear, nose, and throat physician. 

Does ear pain cause a baby to cry uncontrollably?

Possibly. Can you take her to a pediatrician? I'd start there. If needed, they'll refer to an ear, nose, and throat physician.

What does a hearing test evaluate?

A comprehensive hearing test will evaluate your outer, middle, and inner ear. Ear canals, ear drums, responses to pure tones and speech to determine if you have hearing that is READ MORE
A comprehensive hearing test will evaluate your outer, middle, and inner ear. Ear canals, ear drums, responses to pure tones and speech to determine if you have hearing that is within normal limits or if you have hearing loss and which type of hearing loss you have and what may have caused it based on your history and the results.