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Dr. Lee A Wittenberg, DPM

Podiatrist (Foot and Ankle Specialist)

Dr. Lee Wittenberg is a 3 year surgically trained Podiatrist. Dr. Wittenberg is trained in all elements of foot and ankle surgery, wound care and limb salvage, and general Podiatric medicine. Dr. Lee Wittenberg is Board Certified by the American Board of Lower Extremity Surgery, as well as the American Board of Foot & Ankle Surgeons. Whether you need clinical treatment with orthotics, Diabetic shoes and insoles, or bracing of the foot and ankle for pathologies such as Drop Foot, Flat Foot reconstructions, care of an injury or fracture, or an ankle sprain, you can find the care you need at Apache Foot & Ankle Specialists. Dr. Wittenberg is also a wound care and limb salvage expert. If you have a long-standing or non-healing wound, Diabetes, or other Dermatologic issues, Apache Foot & Ankle Specialists can help you in those areas. Dr. Wittenberg is kind, compassionate, and ethical, and will always be looking out for the patients' best interests.
24 years Experience
Dr. Lee A. Wittenberg, DPM
Specializes in:
  • Foot Injuries and Disorders
  • Las Vegas, NV
  • Ohio College of Podiatric Medcine
  • Accepting new patients

Will ice help my ankle injury?

Yes. It will take the swelling down. See the answer about icing a heel injury.

Should I ice my heel injury?

Yes. You should always rest, use ice, compression, if possible (use and ACE wrap) and elevate the foot. You can also take NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication, READ MORE
Yes. You should always rest, use ice, compression, if possible (use and ACE wrap) and elevate the foot. You can also take NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication, such as Ibuprofen 600mg-800mg no more than 3x per day or Naproxen 500mg twice a day)

Bunion operation?

The only people who 'cast' somebody after a bunion surgery would be an Orthopedic Surgeons. Podiatrists use 'soft casts,' which are really compression dressings. Sadly, if you READ MORE
The only people who 'cast' somebody after a bunion surgery would be an Orthopedic Surgeons. Podiatrists use 'soft casts,' which are really compression dressings. Sadly, if you had your surgery by an orthopedic surgeon, your recovery is usually longer than with a Podiatrist, usually more painful, and the outcome is usually worse. But it is too late now! Good luck. I have no idea what your surgeon might do to you next!

How long does ankle dislocation surgery take?

It depends on how many bones, tendons, and other structures are injured and involved, but generally 1-2 hours. Your recovery takes 6-12 weeks.

Rolled my ankle?

You likely stretched and irritated a nerve. But it will take a couple of months for that to resolve. Sometimes a cortisone injection will help calm the problem down.

Why do my heels hurt when I stand still?

You are likely developing Plantar Fasciitis. Try some orthotics and stretching. Read up on Plantar Fasciitis in some of my other patient answers and on my page on this site

How long does it take to heal swollen ankle?

It depends on why it is swollen. You could have had a sprain/injury, you might have a vascular problem, you might be retaining fluid, you may have a cyst. Go see a specialist

Achilles question?

Try icing and anti-inflammatories. BUT, if you're 14 and you are still growing, which most 14 year olds are, you may have developed a problem with the growth plate in your heel. READ MORE
Try icing and anti-inflammatories. BUT, if you're 14 and you are still growing, which most 14 year olds are, you may have developed a problem with the growth plate in your heel. It comes from traction of the Achilles on the growth plate, but could also have arisen from an injury. It is called Apophysitis, because the growth plate on your heel is called the Apophysis, and it is irritated. Unfortunately, the only treatment is rest and anti-inflammatories. Also, icing the are is beneficial. If it progresses, it will start to interfere with your activity and sports. I recommend 1 month with NO running, NO soccer, No lower extremity activity, at all.

Foot infections?

Those are WARTS. They need to be treated. Go to a doctor

How long is recovery after heel surgery?

That depends on what type of heel surgery you have. 3-12 weeks might be a good gauge if you consider most types of heel surgery.

Can you help with ankle bone pain?

Yes. Any podiatrist can help you with ankle pain. We are specialists in the foot and ankle, and in most states, we can work from below the knee to our toes, so that is our specialty. READ MORE
Yes. Any podiatrist can help you with ankle pain. We are specialists in the foot and ankle, and in most states, we can work from below the knee to our toes, so that is our specialty.

How can I fix my heel pain?

The most common cause of heel pain is Plantar Fasciitis, and you can read many responses and articles I have written on the subject if you look through my responses to patient READ MORE
The most common cause of heel pain is Plantar Fasciitis, and you can read many responses and articles I have written on the subject if you look through my responses to patient questions. But there are many other reasons for heel pain, and you should have an appropriate diagnosis prior to trying to treat the problem.

Is hammer toe surgery painful?

Pain is relative. For some people, minor surgical procedures, such as hammer toe repair, may be very painful. For others, very little pain is involved. Your surgeon should be READ MORE
Pain is relative. For some people, minor surgical procedures, such as hammer toe repair, may be very painful. For others, very little pain is involved. Your surgeon should be prescribing you pain medication for your post-operative pain control

Can you help with ankle pain?

I can help with ankle pain. But the cause of your ankle pain can not be determined without a visit and evaluation/examination by a specialist.

Can you help with heel injury?

I can help with a heel injury, yes. I see a great deal of people with heel pain and heel injuries in my practice daily.

Do you stay overnight for heel surgery?

Not usually. Almost all Podiatric surgery is on an outpatient basis nowadays.

How long does ankle surgery take?

It depends on what type of ankle surgery you are to have.

How do you fix a broken ankle?

With plates and screws. Sometimes a syndesmotic screw or device. It depends on how severe of a break and what structures are involved.

Is physical therapy painful after ankle surgery?

It can be. PT can be painful from simple periods immobilization in walking boots and casts. There may be 'cast disease' and stiffness/pain in the joint or region just from disuse. READ MORE
It can be. PT can be painful from simple periods immobilization in walking boots and casts. There may be 'cast disease' and stiffness/pain in the joint or region just from disuse. So, sometimes PT is painful.

How can I know if the ankle injury is serious?

If you have pain when you walk, and it has been a while since the injury, you can find out if there is something more serious going on by having imaging studies, such as x-ray, READ MORE
If you have pain when you walk, and it has been a while since the injury, you can find out if there is something more serious going on by having imaging studies, such as x-ray, CT, MRI imaging.