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Dr. Don Paul Setliff, M.D.

Ear-Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT)

Dr. Don Setliff is an ear, nose and throat (ENT) doctor, also known as an otolaryngologist, practicing in El Centro, CA. Dr. Setliff specializes in diagnosis and treatment of diseases and disorders of the ear, nose and throat, as well other parts of the head and neck, including skin cancer.  He accepts patients of all ages.  He served residencies at the University of Arkansas and the University of California at San Diego.
55 years Experience
Dr. Don Paul Setliff, M.D.
  • El Centro, CA
  • University of Arkansas
  • Accepting new patients

Can swimmer's ears cause deafness?

Not complete deafness, but temporary muffled hearing until the infection has resolved.

Can swimmer's ear get worse?

A good preventive is to instill 3-4 drops of a mixture of one part vinegar and three parts water into each ear after prolonged swimming. Vinegar is acetic acid, usually about READ MORE
A good preventive is to instill 3-4 drops of a mixture of one part vinegar and three parts water into each ear after prolonged swimming. Vinegar is acetic acid, usually about 11% by volume, so diluting it to 2 to 3 per cent creates an acid pH in the ear canal, which discourages bacterial infection.

How can I remove a single large scar on my nose?

In the medical world, scars are not "removed." They are revised. This means that with most scars, in my experience especially those resulting from dermatologists' work, can be READ MORE
In the medical world, scars are not "removed." They are revised. This means that with most scars, in my experience especially those resulting from dermatologists' work, can be changed to be less noticeable. There are multiple potential procedures to accomplish this. The best trained specialists for these procedures are ENT surgeons, cosmetic surgeons, and plastic surgeons. Dermatology is not a subspecialty of surgery; it is a subspecialty of internal medicine. Most of the public doesn't know this. The methods of revising (improving) scars are too numerous to detail them in an email. I'd suggest you see a physician in one of the above-named specialties to inquire as to what can be done. Many of them don't even charge for an initial consultation.

Antibiotics for candida in the ear?

It would be helpful to know your original ear symptoms, if you had any, and your current symptoms, if any. DO NOT take any more Cipro or dexamethasone drops. Steroids make fungus READ MORE
It would be helpful to know your original ear symptoms, if you had any, and your current symptoms, if any. DO NOT take any more Cipro or dexamethasone drops. Steroids make fungus worse, not better. Antibiotics are effective.

Is there a way to fill in preauricular pit?

No, you don't "fill them in." Pre-auricular pits are blind pockets lined with skin. The skin sheds into the pocket, so that occasionally you may have a very small amount of discharge READ MORE
No, you don't "fill them in." Pre-auricular pits are blind pockets lined with skin. The skin sheds into the pocket, so that occasionally you may have a very small amount of discharge from it (foul-smelling keratin debris). The deeper and/or longer it is, the more likely this is to happen. The more extensive ones sometimes become infected and form abscesses that require drainage and/or excision. Unusual ones can tunnel beneath the skin and extend as far as the neck, requiring rather extensive, but usually superficial surgery to remove. Most are short and cause no trouble. The extent can be determined by gentle probing with a lacrimal probe. If they cause no trouble, most people leave them alone. If infections arise, surgical excision can be offered after the infection is treated with incision and drainage and/or antibiotics.

Is my snoring related to a nose blockage?

Snoring almost always takes place at the base of the tongue. Weight gain is the most common cause. It has nothing to do with the nose or the lungs.

Will using mouthwash kill good bacteria in my mouth as well as bad?

Sometimes. My own opinion is that mouthwashes are no better than water, and are a waste of money and effort. The main benefit is the flushing action to dislodge food particles READ MORE
Sometimes. My own opinion is that mouthwashes are no better than water, and are a waste of money and effort. The main benefit is the flushing action to dislodge food particles from between teeth, and it doesn't even do a great job of that. The human mouth is a cess pool of micro-organisms--bacterial, viral, and yeast. The poorer one's dental hygiene is, the more offensive the micro-organisms, mainly bacteria, can become. Mouthwash does NOT make up for poor oral hygience (brushing, flossing, and dental visits for cleaning). The ads on TV showing a drop in bacteria after using mouthwash don't show what happens within a short time after that, which is that the bacteria replace themselves. Excessive use of mouthwashes can even do harm by altering the pH of the mouth, upsetting the normal balance of power among the bacteria, viruses, and yeast, and allowing one group to flourish. A significant cause of aphthous ulcers, also called canker sores, which are viral.

Swallowing is hurting and nearly impossible?

Despite what you may have read in the Mother's Manual, "coated" tongue is of NO medical significance. The appearance of the tongue varies over time, and no one knows why. There READ MORE
Despite what you may have read in the Mother's Manual, "coated" tongue is of NO medical significance. The appearance of the tongue varies over time, and no one knows why. There are some patterns that can idicate underlying disease, but your tongue is within normal limits. Incidentally I do not recommend brushing the tongue, since it often leads to irritative symptoms. As for "hardly swallowing," I don't know what you mean. Generally a person either has dysphagia (trouble swallowing) or does not. If you weight is stable, your swallowing is likely okay. Anxiety due to stress is often the cause of subjective and intermittent dysphagia. Bottom line is that your symptoms don't point to any underlying disease. I recommend exercise for anxiety.

Lingering cough for 2 months?

If you had a viral upper respiratory infection at the onset of the cough, it will most likely fade away within the next month, and you should just wait. The only drug that truly READ MORE
If you had a viral upper respiratory infection at the onset of the cough, it will most likely fade away within the next month, and you should just wait. The only drug that truly suppresses a cough is codeine, and its sedative side effects make normal functioning difficult. It may help at night, however. Remember that it is potentially addictive. If you had no viral URI, you should see a physician.

I have the symptoms of COPD apart from the cough-is it COPD?

Not enough info to draw conclusions. But if you smoked as much as a pack per day, it is very probable that you have damage to your lungs. You should consult a pulmonologist.

Could my auditory nerve get damaged at birth?

The auditory nerve is deep enough in your brain that it is not susceptible to damage from forceps. Rubella can cause congenital deafness. Any one or more of numerous congenital READ MORE
The auditory nerve is deep enough in your brain that it is not susceptible to damage from forceps. Rubella can cause congenital deafness. Any one or more of numerous congenital developmental abnormalities in the ear can produce deafness. Some are treatable. You should see an ENT doc.

What could be the reason for my "hazy" hearing?

I suggest you obtain an ear exam and hearing test in an ENT office.

Sinus or allergy problem?

Septum surgery has nothing to do with your sinuses. Most likely you do not need further surgery. Sinus x-rays, including CT's, change over time. A simple cold almost always READ MORE
Septum surgery has nothing to do with your sinuses. Most likely you do not need further surgery. Sinus x-rays, including CT's, change over time. A simple cold almost always makes the sinus CT markedly abnormal, but only for about 6 weeks. That would be VIRAL sinusitis, for which there is no effective treatment, and which resolves with no treatment. "Sinus headache" is mostly an invention of television, designed to sell "decongestant" pills, which never underwent clinical trials and in truth do not decongest anything! Most patients with the worst sinus disease possible seldom complain of headache. Pressure yes, but not headache. 95% of all headaches are tension headaches, caused by tension, and the best treatment I know of for that is exercise, even a simple walk 2-3 times a week. You should seek medical advice for a chronic cough, although an answer is not always forthcoming. The most common cause is a viral URI, which can trigger a cough that very slowly improves for as much as 3 months, Some blood pressure medicines have cough as a side effect.

Itchy ear canals?

The most common cause of itchy ears is the use of Q tips. Leave your ear wax alone, and itching is likely to resolve. You should never use OTC ear drops in your ears if you have READ MORE
The most common cause of itchy ears is the use of Q tips. Leave your ear wax alone, and itching is likely to resolve. You should never use OTC ear drops in your ears if you have tubes.

I have a habit cough?

Perhaps it's on the basis of anxiety. Exercise is the best treatment I know of for that, or perhaps other activities will serve the purpose. That failing, you can see a behavioral READ MORE
Perhaps it's on the basis of anxiety. Exercise is the best treatment I know of for that, or perhaps other activities will serve the purpose. That failing, you can see a behavioral psychologist. Ask yourself what happens if you don't cough...

Tonsil swelling question?

Tonsil stones are white, cheesy material that normal tonsils often produce. They are of no medical significance, just something that tonsils do. Asymmetrical tonsils are common, READ MORE
Tonsil stones are white, cheesy material that normal tonsils often produce. They are of no medical significance, just something that tonsils do. Asymmetrical tonsils are common, but if you're unsure how long they've been asymmetrical, you should see an ENT physician for an exam. Most commonly it's just the way the tonsils have developed, but if it's recent onset, it can be due to underlying tumor.

What should I do about my toddler's constant ear pain?

If you use Q tips, you should stop. Intermittent ear pain is often not due to ear disease. Cutting teeth can be a cause in this age group. If it persists, consider seeing an READ MORE
If you use Q tips, you should stop. Intermittent ear pain is often not due to ear disease. Cutting teeth can be a cause in this age group. If it persists, consider seeing an ENT.

If I use neti pot with hot water, is it likely to cause an amoebic infection?

Amoebic meningitis has been reported, so it is advisable to use sterile irrigant. You can boil tap water for 15 minutes or buy sterile solution. I do not prescribe nasal irrigation, READ MORE
Amoebic meningitis has been reported, so it is advisable to use sterile irrigant. You can boil tap water for 15 minutes or buy sterile solution. I do not prescribe nasal irrigation, although it is a current fad. The nose has a marvelous cleaning mechanism that may even be hampered by irrigations. You never see dirt within the nasal cavities. The only patients I know of who may benefit from nasal irrigations are ones who have had excessive sino-nasal surgeries that have interrupted the normal "automatic" nasal toilet mechanisms, causing excessive dryness and crusting. (See

Why do I keep getting strep throat?

You may be a strep carrier, in which case antibiotics will not cure it. The good news is that the strep just co-exists with you and doesn't necessarily do harm. You might get READ MORE
You may be a strep carrier, in which case antibiotics will not cure it. The good news is that the strep just co-exists with you and doesn't necessarily do harm. You might get a throat culture when you are asymptomatic to confirm that possibility.