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Tristan Cheung


Dr. Tristan Cheung seeks to ensure his patients have the smile they have always wanted and the confidence that comes with it. He provides compassionate care, desiring to make a difference in the community, and bring dental care to those who desperately need it. His greatest joy comes from improving his patients’ quality of life and contributing to their well-being.
Dr. Tristan possesses extensive experience in many advanced dental techniques, including dental emergency, dental implants, cosmetic treatments, root canal therapy, complex extraction, full-mouth rehabilitation, and more. He continually participates in continuing education courses to keep his knowledge up-to-date, and he is fluent in both English and Chinese
8 years Experience
Tristan Cheung
  • Dripping Springs, TX
  • UNLV School of Dental Medicine
  • Accepting new patients

What is the best plaque remover?

Dental plaque can be removed by brushing and flossing daily. Traditional floss is always more effective than any water floss. Home care (with proper technique) is the best plaque READ MORE
Dental plaque can be removed by brushing and flossing daily. Traditional floss is always more effective than any water floss. Home care (with proper technique) is the best plaque build up prevention. However, professional ultrasonic scaler is the best tool for plaque removal. Please visit your local dentist for proper brushing and flossing techniques.

What is cheaper a root canal or extraction?

Extraction is cheaper in short term assuming no implant is being placed after extraction. Root canal is cheaper in a long run assuming the tooth still has enough tooth structure READ MORE
Extraction is cheaper in short term assuming no implant is being placed after extraction. Root canal is cheaper in a long run assuming the tooth still has enough tooth structure left without significant mobility. Bone loss is inevitable after extraction without implant placement, and it would cost more (way more) to rebuild bone structure. Please visit your dentist for definitive diagnosis and treatment. Good luck, hope you feel better soon.

Do you have to be put to sleep for tooth extraction?

The short answer is No. Depending on your anxiety level for dental treatments, routine local anesthesia is effective enough to get you through the extraction procedure. Good luck! READ MORE
The short answer is No. Depending on your anxiety level for dental treatments, routine local anesthesia is effective enough to get you through the extraction procedure. Good luck!

Deep filling?

The purpose of root canal treatment (RCT) is to remove the infection by "emptying" out the nerve space, so RCT is technically the same as nerve removal. Post op pain after a deep READ MORE
The purpose of root canal treatment (RCT) is to remove the infection by "emptying" out the nerve space, so RCT is technically the same as nerve removal. Post op pain after a deep filling does not necessary mean that you would need RCT. Since I haven't seen your xray, so I can't tell you what exactly is going on. However, sometime the filling can trap "air bubbles", and it can irritate the dentin tissue and cause discomfort/pain. I would have your dentist re-exterminate that tooth if re-doing the filling (add liner this time) would help before you move onto RCT. Have him show you how close the filling is to the nerve space on the X-ray. Good luck! Hope you feel better soon.

What are the symptoms of a dying nerve in a tooth?

Pulp necrosis refers to a condition that the nerve inside your tooth die. It is usually the last stage of a chronic pulp infection/inflammation. Necrotic tissue can caused by untreated READ MORE
Pulp necrosis refers to a condition that the nerve inside your tooth die. It is usually the last stage of a chronic pulp infection/inflammation. Necrotic tissue can caused by untreated tooth decay or trauma. Necrotic tooth is usually sensitive to pressure (bite on hard obtain or grinding teeth), but not so much on temperature changes (ex: cold water). Dental Xray would indicate radioluency (dark circular shadow) around the apex of that tooth. Please visit your dentist for a definitive diagnosis. Good luck.

How does a dentist kill a nerve in your tooth?

What you are referring to is called Root canal treatment (RCT). Your dentist would make a small entrance (hole) from the top of that tooth, and clean/remove the infection inside READ MORE
What you are referring to is called Root canal treatment (RCT). Your dentist would make a small entrance (hole) from the top of that tooth, and clean/remove the infection inside the nerve space at the tip of the tooth root.

What happens if the decayed tooth is not removed?

Assuming the decayed tooth is a non-restorable tooth (ex: hopeless diagnosis). If the decayed/fractured tooth is not removed, pain is certainly one of the potential side effects READ MORE
Assuming the decayed tooth is a non-restorable tooth (ex: hopeless diagnosis). If the decayed/fractured tooth is not removed, pain is certainly one of the potential side effects you might encounter. If the infection has already spread to the apex of the root, then infection can proliferate to the adjacent bone structure or other teeth/root. Please visit your dentist for a definitive diagnosis. Good luck.

Can I pull a broken tooth out myself?

You can, but I would not recommend you to do it yourself. A broken tooth tends to be weaker that non-fractured tooth. We have seen patients took their tooth out and left the root READ MORE
You can, but I would not recommend you to do it yourself. A broken tooth tends to be weaker that non-fractured tooth. We have seen patients took their tooth out and left the root inside the bone causing secondary infection. It will take more time and money to correct a fractured root. Please visit your dentist for definitive diagnosis and treatment. Good luck, hope you feel better soon.

What to do if you have a hole in your tooth and it hurts?

"A hole" in your tooth can be caused by tooth decay or fracture (both of them associate with pain). Depending on the size of the "hole", removing the affected area with simple READ MORE
"A hole" in your tooth can be caused by tooth decay or fracture (both of them associate with pain). Depending on the size of the "hole", removing the affected area with simple restorations (filling or crown) or root canal treatment would relieve the pain. Please visit your dentist for a definitive diagnosis. Good luck, hope you feel better soon.

What can you do for an exposed tooth nerve?

Depending on the size and the location of the exposed nerve. Assuming the tooth is still restorable (have enough tooth structure), then root canal therapy is usually the proper READ MORE
Depending on the size and the location of the exposed nerve. Assuming the tooth is still restorable (have enough tooth structure), then root canal therapy is usually the proper treatment for exposed tooth nerve. Good luck!

How do you know if you have an exposed tooth nerve?

It depends on many factors. How long have you experiencing the pain? Is the tooth fractured? Is the tooth infected? You can experience from extreme pain (Acute) to constant dull READ MORE
It depends on many factors. How long have you experiencing the pain? Is the tooth fractured? Is the tooth infected? You can experience from extreme pain (Acute) to constant dull pain (Chronic). Cold is usually a pain trigger for any exposed nerve. Please visit your dentist for a definitive diagnosis. Good luck, hope you feel better soon.

Why do I have gum pain after braces?

It is not unusual that you experience pain after/during braces. Please understand this concept: when you move teeth (that is what the braces for), you move surrounding bone structure READ MORE
It is not unusual that you experience pain after/during braces. Please understand this concept: when you move teeth (that is what the braces for), you move surrounding bone structure as well. Gum will follow the movement/direction of the bone (the gum is on top of the bone, right?). It is very important to have regular dental visit and home care (HAVE TO floss) to keep gum inflammation in check. The pain/discomfort will subside slowly if you can keep 'em clean. Remember to use your retainer or all the orthodontic work would go to waste. Good luck!

How do you pull your own tooth out?

As a dental professional, I would recommend anyone pull their own infected tooth out. Infected tooth tend to have weaker structure, and is very easy to separate the root and the READ MORE
As a dental professional, I would recommend anyone pull their own infected tooth out. Infected tooth tend to have weaker structure, and is very easy to separate the root and the crown portion of the tooth. When the fractured root remains inside the bone, it can spread the infection to the neighboring tooth/bone. It will take more time and money to correct it. Think about this: Driving a car safely is easy for a trained/licensed driver, but you would not let an untrained driver to drive on any highway. It would be dangerous for that driver and the other drivers. Please visit your dentist for a definitive diagnosis and treatment. Good luck, hope you feel better soon.

Which tooth is the hardest to extract?

It depends on the orientation, location, and root morphology of the tooth. Assuming they are all straight without any abnormality in size or impact dentition at any undesirable READ MORE
It depends on the orientation, location, and root morphology of the tooth. Assuming they are all straight without any abnormality in size or impact dentition at any undesirable location, your upper canine would be the hardest to extract.

How can I stop nerve pain in my tooth?

Assuming the pain is originated from the tooth due to severe dental decay or fracture instead of any underling bone defect or infection. Pain can be relieved by removing the infected READ MORE
Assuming the pain is originated from the tooth due to severe dental decay or fracture instead of any underling bone defect or infection. Pain can be relieved by removing the infected lesion, and possibly followed by the root canal therapy depends on the size of the affected area.

Can a bottom tooth make a top tooth hurt?

Absolutely! Malocclusion can cause pain in the long run. Sudden acute pain can be caused by infection or fracture of the tooth, or even from grinding/clenching at night. Please READ MORE
Absolutely! Malocclusion can cause pain in the long run. Sudden acute pain can be caused by infection or fracture of the tooth, or even from grinding/clenching at night. Please have your dentist perform an intra-oral exam to make sure everything is okay.