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Alyssa Risi


Alyssa is a board certified, Licensed Acupuncturist accepting new patients in Tinton Falls NJ. Alyssa evaluates and treats patients based on the concepts of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Acupuncturists complete their evaluations by getting a patient history and looking at and touching the body. Then, they place very fine sterile acupuncture needles into specific points on the body. Stimulating these points is how she treats the patients' conditions. Many of the body's systems respond to acupuncture on a physiological level, treating physical pain as well as emotional stress. Alyssa is trained in three forms of acupuncture, allowing her to provide well rounded and integrated treatments specific to each patient.
6 years Experience
Alyssa Risi
Specializes in:
  • Acupuncture
  • Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Pain Management
  • Tinton Falls, New Jersey
  • TriStateCollege of Acupuncture
  • Accepting new patients

How many sessions of acupuncture are effective?

The number of sessions you need will be dependent on several factors, as every patient is different. Usually after 5-7 sessions you may begin to feel some kind of shift. If not, READ MORE
The number of sessions you need will be dependent on several factors, as every patient is different. Usually after 5-7 sessions you may begin to feel some kind of shift. If not, speak with your practitioner, as he or she can change up the protocols or tweak aspects of the treatment to help you feel more improvement.

Does acupuncture hurt the next day?

Soreness and aches can be normal after a treatment especially if your practitioner is working on the muscles. I like to tell patients that any soreness or pain should subside within READ MORE
Soreness and aches can be normal after a treatment especially if your practitioner is working on the muscles. I like to tell patients that any soreness or pain should subside within the first 24-48 hrs. Be sure to hydrate and rest, do not over-extend yourself after a session. If the pain is not going away, be sure to let your practitioner know at your next follow up or reach out to them about it.

How does acupuncture lower stress?

After taking a full patient intake on your daily habits, system functioning etc, practitioners set up a protocol specific to your signs and symptoms to target stress at the source. READ MORE
After taking a full patient intake on your daily habits, system functioning etc, practitioners set up a protocol specific to your signs and symptoms to target stress at the source. After the needle insertion, you are able to rest and enter a deeper mode of relaxation, allowing the brain to settle down and enhance the healing process.

Can acupuncture help with fertility?

Studies have shown that local acupuncture around the abdominal area along with empirical distal points helps enhance circulation to the uterus which is beneficial for pregnancy. READ MORE
Studies have shown that local acupuncture around the abdominal area along with empirical distal points helps enhance circulation to the uterus which is beneficial for pregnancy. It also helps to lower any stress and anxiety that could be increased during the process of trying to conceive.

What should you do after an acupuncture session?

Be sure to drink extra water after your session and eat a warm, nourishing meal. I like to tell patients to try to take it easy and not to anything too strenuous. Especially after READ MORE
Be sure to drink extra water after your session and eat a warm, nourishing meal. I like to tell patients to try to take it easy and not to anything too strenuous. Especially after the first session, your body is adjusting to the treatment, so take care of yourself and allow proper time for this adjustment. Increase water intake and relax.

Is acupuncture for your neck safe?

Yes. When performed by a licensed acupuncturist, needling around the neck is very safe.

What alternative healing practices can reduce my back pain?

If you are experiencing tight, tense muscles, acupuncture can help relieve some of that tension. There are also empirical acupuncture points used to target muscles and tendons READ MORE
If you are experiencing tight, tense muscles, acupuncture can help relieve some of that tension. There are also empirical acupuncture points used to target muscles and tendons specifically. Loosening up surrounding tissues may help take pressure off the spine. Consulting a DPT could also be helpful, as they can provide some back strengthening and stabilizing exercises/stretches.

Should I drink water after acupuncture?

It is always a good idea to keep up with proper hydration. Oftentimes after a treatment, I am sure to tell patients to drink a little extra water that day. Circulation and fluids READ MORE
It is always a good idea to keep up with proper hydration. Oftentimes after a treatment, I am sure to tell patients to drink a little extra water that day. Circulation and fluids are moving, along with toxins. Water helps flush the toxins out to allow the acupuncture to have a more positive effect.

Is there evidence that acupuncture works?

Yes, acupuncture can be effective in releasing tension or tightness that can be associated with physical pain, neck included. It also works on a physiological level to desensitize READ MORE
Yes, acupuncture can be effective in releasing tension or tightness that can be associated with physical pain, neck included. It also works on a physiological level to desensitize the brain, allowing the brain to decrease those "pain" signals and help re-calibrate the system to function without feeling pain or discomfort.

Can acupuncture work for acne?

There are acupuncture detox protocols that help the rid of the body of toxins or bacteria, which could be contributing to acne. There are also specific local skin protocols, LED READ MORE
There are acupuncture detox protocols that help the rid of the body of toxins or bacteria, which could be contributing to acne. There are also specific local skin protocols, LED light therapy, and non-needling techniques that can be used to target the immediate area to help soothe the skin, increase cellular turnover, and decrease inflammation.

Will acupuncture help me with hand pain?

Acupuncture can work to release tension within those tiny hand/finger muscles, letting the joints breathe. It can also flush out any residual swelling or inflammation, which is READ MORE
Acupuncture can work to release tension within those tiny hand/finger muscles, letting the joints breathe. It can also flush out any residual swelling or inflammation, which is also beneficial to maintain smooth flow of fluids throughout the system. Modalities such as physical therapy can also be incorporated into your regimen to keep the inflammation down and increase strength, while also settling down any "nerve" symptoms if it is a carpal tunnel syndrome.

Does acupuncture help with fertility?

Acupuncture targets stress, which is very heightened when trying to conceive. We can also use points to target reproductive organs, increase blood flow to the uterus, and promote READ MORE
Acupuncture targets stress, which is very heightened when trying to conceive. We can also use points to target reproductive organs, increase blood flow to the uterus, and promote smooth flow of fluids through the body. By decreasing stress and promoting blood flow, it makes the environment more open to conception.

Is it normal to feel worse after acupuncture?

Sometimes, especially with muscle releasing, you may feel more sore after your treatment. The pain/soreness should subside over the next day or so. If it does not, be sure to tell READ MORE
Sometimes, especially with muscle releasing, you may feel more sore after your treatment. The pain/soreness should subside over the next day or so. If it does not, be sure to tell your practitioner on your next visit. They should be able to change up the treatment plan. Like any medical modality, there is some 'trial and error' involved.

Is an acupuncture treatment painful?

Traditional acupuncture should be virtually painless. At most, you may feel the insertion. After some manipulation, you should not feel much. Some patients report feeling a spreading, READ MORE
Traditional acupuncture should be virtually painless. At most, you may feel the insertion. After some manipulation, you should not feel much. Some patients report feeling a spreading, or warming sensation, but you should never be in pain or feel discomfort after insertion/manipulation. Be sure to communicate with your practitioner if anything is uncomfortable or painful.

Is acupuncture a safe treatment for chronic pain?

Yes, acupuncture is a great way to help increase blood flow and circulation through the body, nourishing joints and surrounding tissues in hopes to help decrease pain and soreness READ MORE
Yes, acupuncture is a great way to help increase blood flow and circulation through the body, nourishing joints and surrounding tissues in hopes to help decrease pain and soreness in specific or generalized areas of pain.

Is acupuncture effective for arthritis pain?

Yes, acupuncture can bring more circulation to the site of pain, and also target accompanying swelling or inflammation that is sometimes a symptom of arthritis. Being that practitioners READ MORE
Yes, acupuncture can bring more circulation to the site of pain, and also target accompanying swelling or inflammation that is sometimes a symptom of arthritis. Being that practitioners see and treat the body as a whole, points can also be used to help with general circulation, inflammation management, stress or sleep issues that sometimes come with arthritis.

What are the negative side effects of acupuncture?

The most common side effect of acupuncture tends to be slight redness at the needle site that usually subsides within an hour or so, depending on your skin's sensitivity. Some READ MORE
The most common side effect of acupuncture tends to be slight redness at the needle site that usually subsides within an hour or so, depending on your skin's sensitivity. Some patients may feel slightly light-headed immediately after the session due to laying down for an extended amount of time and accessing your resting/relaxation phase, which also subsides once you sit up and get your bearings. We recommend drinking plenty of water and having a snack before your appointment. Migraine symptoms can become increased if you come in with one, so some practitioners may recommend coming in when you do not have a migraine.

Does acupuncture help knee pain?

Practitioners will treat the knee with local, adjacent, and distal acupuncture points on both the affected leg and unaffected leg. There are empirical points used to treat muscles, READ MORE
Practitioners will treat the knee with local, adjacent, and distal acupuncture points on both the affected leg and unaffected leg. There are empirical points used to treat muscles, ligaments, and tissues in general; there are also local knee points used to enhance blood flow and circulation to the knee. Surrounding muscles that are tight and pulling on the ligaments and tendons around the knee can also be released to relieve tension around the joint spaces.

What should you do after an acupuncture session?

Usually, people like to leave acupuncture and go home since they are very relaxed. I do see patients during the day on their lunch breaks, etc., so I tell them to drink plenty READ MORE
Usually, people like to leave acupuncture and go home since they are very relaxed. I do see patients during the day on their lunch breaks, etc., so I tell them to drink plenty of water and eat a nice meal afterward. You can certainly resume daily activity, but people like being able to keep that relaxed mindset and just go home to unwind.

Does acupuncture reduce inflammation?

Yes, I have seen that acupuncture can stimulate fluids to re-circulate and disperse swelling or inflammation throughout the body.