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Melissa Wohlberg

Physical Therapist | Neurology

Melissa Wohlberg is an Integrative Health Physical Therapist practicing in Pikesville, MD. Melissa Wohlberg specializes in physical and mind-body treatments to help a patient reduce pain, restore mobility, rehabilitate after an injury, or increase movement and overall quality of life. As both a physical therapist and a yoga teacher, Melissa utilizes a multifactorial approach to treat multiple conditions including chronic pain and arthritis, neurological conditions, and vestibular pathologies. After an initial evaluation, Melissa will create an individualized treatment plan based on the patient's goals as well as their specific injury or condition.

Melissa Wohlberg founded Breathe Free Physical Therapy & Yoga, LLC after working at Sinai Hospital in Baltimore for 13 years. Her success as an Integrative Health Physical Therapist at Sinai Hospital through her programs for chronic pain as well as traumatic brain injury inspired her to open up her own practice where she can bring these services to a wide range of individuals and conditions.
17 years Experience
Melissa Wohlberg
Specializes in:
  • Physical Therapist
  • Pikesville, MD
  • University of Maryland
  • Accepting new patients

When should I start physical therapy after back injury?

Ice first for 3 days and then you can start PT.

What is the natural remedy for headaches during pregnancy?

Meditation and breathing exercises can help with headaches. In addition, you can visualize the blood vessels opening up in your brain allowing for easier blood flow.

How long does it take to get strength back after COVID?

Everybody is different and it will depend on how severe your Covid infection was. It will probably take a couple of months.

Can you get physical therapy while on palliative care?

It depends on your insurance and the institution that you are in. I would ask the medical staff in charge of your friend's care.

How do you get rid of tingling after surgery?

I am not sure. It depends on the cause. I would ask the surgeon.

Why does my neck hurt after the chiropractor adjusted it?

There might be inflammation. You could try ice and ibuprofen. Also, try calling the chiropractor to see what he says.

Should I go to a chiropractor or a physical therapist for bad posture?

It actually depends on the reason for poor posture. I personally think that Physical Therapy is better for poor posture, but it all starts with awareness.

Is Parkinson's disease a neurological disease?

Yes Parkinson's disease is a progressive neurological disease. However, there are interventions that can help to delay progression. There are physical therapy programs that can READ MORE
Yes Parkinson's disease is a progressive neurological disease. However, there are interventions that can help to delay progression. There are physical therapy programs that can help. I would search in your area for physical therapists in your area that specialize in this. If you are in Baltimore, I can help!

How long does it take to get rid of a heel spur?

This depends on your level of activity and method of intervention. Most likely 6 weeks.

How can I prevent my scoliosis from getting worse?

There are actually very specific exercises that can help with scoliosis. You want to treat your body asymmetrically. You will need to strengthen one side and stretch the other READ MORE
There are actually very specific exercises that can help with scoliosis. You want to treat your body asymmetrically. You will need to strengthen one side and stretch the other side. If you know the direction of the curvature of your spine, this will help. You will want to strengthen the convex side and elongate the concave side of your torso.

How long does physical therapy take for lower back pain?

Unfortunately, low back pain can be variable depending on the individual and the cause of pain. If it is muscular in nature vs a disc and whether or not the pain is new or chronic READ MORE
Unfortunately, low back pain can be variable depending on the individual and the cause of pain. If it is muscular in nature vs a disc and whether or not the pain is new or chronic can drastically change the type of rehab and duration.

How long does it take to recover from a dislocated ankle?

It takes 6 weeks for a bone to heal, but it can take longer for a ligament or tendon. I would allow at least 8-12 weeks including physical therapy.

Is there physical therapy after tennis elbow surgery?

It depends on the exact injury and surgery that you had. I would consult with your doctor. However, physical therapy can be very helpful to help prepare for return to sport.

How long will it take to recover from scoliosis surgery?

It usually takes 6 weeks for bone healing, but then there will be additional strengthening, etc that could take longer.
Good luck!

Can sciatica be cured by physiotherapy?

The short answer is yes! However, it does depend on the specific cause of the sciatica. If you have an anatomical abnormality that is the root cause, then it might not be fixable READ MORE
The short answer is yes! However, it does depend on the specific cause of the sciatica. If you have an anatomical abnormality that is the root cause, then it might not be fixable by PT. Most likely that is not the case. A formal evaluation will be needed and it might take trial and error to help alleviate your symptoms.

Why does my back hurt after playing tennis?

There are many possible reasons. Without a thorough evaluation, some of the reasons could be: asymmetric forces on your back, poor muscle flexibility, weakness, vertebrae rotation, READ MORE
There are many possible reasons. Without a thorough evaluation, some of the reasons could be: asymmetric forces on your back, poor muscle flexibility, weakness, vertebrae rotation, or disc herniation. You should get a formal evaluation.

What physical therapy is good for a herniated disc?

Physical therapy will not fix an injured disc, but PT can help to bring the disc back into place and strengthen your back muscles to help prevent further herniations.

A headache at the back of my head?

I would go see a neurologist to rule out anything serious. If your symptoms continue for more than a week, consult a doctor.

What does a physical therapist do for vertigo?

A physical therapist will do a thorough exam to determine the cause of your vertigo. Depending on the cause, there are specific movements and exercises that can help to relieve READ MORE
A physical therapist will do a thorough exam to determine the cause of your vertigo. Depending on the cause, there are specific movements and exercises that can help to relieve or cure the cause of the vertigo.

Does physical therapy help with arthritis in the back?

Physical therapy cannot cure arthritis, however, it can relieve your symptoms from arthritis. The goal of PT will be to strengthen your muscles, increase AROM and improve your READ MORE
Physical therapy cannot cure arthritis, however, it can relieve your symptoms from arthritis. The goal of PT will be to strengthen your muscles, increase AROM and improve your posture to help relieve the symptoms.