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Dr. Linh Taylor


Dr. Linh Taylor holds doctorate degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. She's is a primary care practitioner in the state of California, specialized in Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine. Dr. Taylor evaluates and treats patients based on the concepts of Chinese medicine. She evaluates patients by getting their detailed medical history including family history, injuries, medication, and existing illness. She will also check your tongue and pulse to determine any deficiencies according to Chinese Medicine. This is a great way to keep the body healthy and prevent diseases. Her acupuncture treatments utilize very thin, sterile, one time use, needles which are inserted into specific points on the body. Stimulating these points and nerves is how Dr. Taylor treats the patients condition. Acupuncture is very effective for physical pain and emotional stress. Dr. Taylor is specialized in pain management, women's health, and cancer treatment side effects reduction.
4 years Experience
Dr. Linh Taylor
  • Five Branches University
  • Accepting new patients

What treatment is best for migraines?

Hi there. I'm sorry about your migraine. I know how much it affect your day and your ability to work and simply function. I'd highly recommend find a good acupuncturist to make READ MORE
Hi there. I'm sorry about your migraine. I know how much it affect your day and your ability to work and simply function. I'd highly recommend find a good acupuncturist to make sure your neck/shoulder muscles are nice and loose, then address your hormones and sleep. When we're able to help you with these migraines triggers, the headache will decrease after each treatment. Call your insurance to find out if you have acupuncture benefits and get the list of providers near you. Good luck. I hope you will find some relief soon.

How many acupuncture sessions are needed for allergies?

Hi there. In my experience treating allergies that cause sneezing and itchy eyes, you may need 3-4 appointments. I'd highly recommend having cupping in addition to acupuncture. READ MORE
Hi there. In my experience treating allergies that cause sneezing and itchy eyes, you may need 3-4 appointments. I'd highly recommend having cupping in addition to acupuncture. However if it's food allergies or other skin conditions, acupuncture may be able to reduce your symptoms but hard to get rid of it completely. Hope I answered your question.

Is there a pressure point to relieve foot pain?

Hi there. Thank you for your interest in using acupuncture to alleviateMyour foot pain. There are many points we can use for foot pain. Since I don't know the cause of your foot READ MORE
Hi there. Thank you for your interest in using acupuncture to alleviateMyour foot pain. There are many points we can use for foot pain. Since I don't know the cause of your foot pain and your existing condition, I can show you a mirror method for temporary pain relief. Imagine your hand is like your foot, thumb big toe, little finger little toe, palm bottom of your foot, and top of foot back side of the palm. Try to find a point that mirror the location on your foot where you feel pain, press on that point.

What are the acupuncture points for insomnia?

Acupuncture is very effective for insomnia. You can search for a point called 'A mian' for sleep support. However, it's important to know the cause of insomnia. Is it stress? Is READ MORE
Acupuncture is very effective for insomnia. You can search for a point called 'A mian' for sleep support. However, it's important to know the cause of insomnia. Is it stress? Is your body not producing melatonin? Is it menopause related? Does it usually happen after your menstrual cycle? You need to find the root cause of insomnia in order to treat it effectively. Please see an established acupuncturist for your treatment. Acupressure won't be enough and as effective.

Dizziness after acupuncture

Hi there. If you experience the worst headache of your life or feel nausea or vomiting, please go to the closest emergency department immediately. I think I have an idea of which READ MORE
Hi there. If you experience the worst headache of your life or feel nausea or vomiting, please go to the closest emergency department immediately. I think I have an idea of which acupuncture points you received. They're generally very safe. All acupuncturists do these points
all the time. However, they can cause more tightness if you make any movement during treatment such as moving your head to adjust your mask or lift up the head. I'd recommend massaging your neck, applying heat on the neck and shoulders, or massaging with strong pressure the top of your feet and ankles. Please take care and I hope you feel better soon.

Can acupuncture help with swollen ankles?

Hi there. Thank you for your interest in acupuncture. Yes, acupuncture can help with swollen ankle. However, I'd highly recommend to also visit your primary care physician to identify READ MORE
Hi there. Thank you for your interest in acupuncture. Yes, acupuncture can
help with swollen ankle. However, I'd highly recommend to also visit your
primary care physician to identify the cause of your edema. Please rule out
diabetes, high blood pressure, pregnancy, and many other conditions that
may cause leg edema.

Soreness in hands and feet from Acupuncture

I'm so sorry this happened to you. This is not a typical reaction or side effect of acupuncture. Have you tried contacting your acupuncturist? I'd recommend calling their office READ MORE
I'm so sorry this happened to you. This is not a typical reaction or side effect of acupuncture. Have you tried contacting your acupuncturist? I'd recommend calling their office immediately and reporting what happened. I'm positive they would arrange to have you in as soon as possible. Since I don't know what condition you went to acupuncture for I can't safely suggest a remedy.

Is acupuncture once a month enough?

Hi there. Thank you for reaching out. For the best and most lasting result for chronic low back pain, I would recommend seeing your acupuncturist twice weekly for 3 weeks (6 treatments). READ MORE
Hi there. Thank you for reaching out. For the best and most lasting result for chronic low back pain, I would recommend seeing your acupuncturist twice weekly for 3 weeks (6 treatments). After 6 treatments, if you notice positive results and an improvement, then once a week for 2-3 months. However, if you've had this pain for many years, it may take longer. If your back pain is due to structural issues such as scoliosis or disc herniation, you may have to see your acupuncturist weekly for half a year to a year. If your low back pain is acute and due to recent trauma, then I would recommend twice weekly for 3 weeks then once a week for 1 month. Once a month visit is definitely not efficient and may not make any change to your condition. Hope I answer your question. Take care.

Soreness in hands and feet from Acupuncture

Hi there. I'm so sorry to hear this. In general, for any condition, it's highly recommended to see your acupuncturist 2-3 times at the minimum even if your chief complaint has READ MORE
Hi there. I'm so sorry to hear this. In general, for any condition, it's highly recommended to see your acupuncturist 2-3 times at the minimum even if your chief complaint has been resolved. Your acupuncturist should be able to help with this burning sensation in your hand with a massage or other modalities. Please give them a call to schedule a follow-up. An acupuncture needle is very tiny so long-term side effects rarely happen. One of your tendons may have been irritated. It should be okay in a few weeks. In the meantime, to speed up the healing process, you may apply heat on the hand for 3-5 minutes at a time, 2-3 times a day. Take care.

How many acupuncture visits should I have per month?

Hi. Just like your visit with your M.D. and other specialists, unfortunately we would not know how many visits you may need until we see you and diagnose your condition. In addition, READ MORE
Hi. Just like your visit with your M.D. and other specialists, unfortunately we would not know how many visits you may need until we see you and diagnose your condition. In addition, depends on your insurance, we may receive authorization for a certain number of treatments only.

Is acupuncture good for your lungs?

Acupuncture can help with strengthening your lung function. However, it depends on your condition. We make an appointment with a licensed acupuncturist for an evaluation.