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Can you open doors while having a wandering seizure?

Last night I wandered (which had never happened before) down the road and woke up on a bridge, unconscious. I thought I had a seizure, because of the way I felt. I do have a...

Should I go to the ER for COVID infection?

I have a COVID infection. Should I go to the ER for a COVID infection?

Should I go to ER for blood clot in arm?

I think I have a blood clot in my arm. Should I go to ER for a blood clot in the arm?

When should you go to ER for low blood sugar?

I have low blood sugar. When should you go to ER for low blood sugar?

My kidney problem?

I have low functioning kidneys, I have blood work done about every 2 to 3 months. My latest test shows Low BUN, Lab Corp Reference 8 to 27, my BUN is now at 6 very low. I do...

Should we be worried?

Yesterday my mother-in-law fell off the porch and she said she hit her head. Today she's been complaining of dizziness and moving around the house at a less than normal pace....

I have pain and green bowl movements?

I have IBS. About a week ago I went to the ER with severe pain on my left side and nausea. I'm having the pain again with nausea and my diarrhea is green for 2 days now.

Is high white blood count serious?

I have a high white blood count. Is high white blood count serious?

Should I go to ER for an overdose?

I think I have a drug overdose. Should I go to ER for an overdose?

What does the hospital do for allergic reactions?

I have an allergic reaction and want to visit the hospital. What does the hospital do for allergic reactions?

What happened to me?

I went to the bathroom in the middle of the night and felt dizzy and sick. I woke up laying over the toilet.

Should I go to the emergency room?

About 2 days ago I started having a sharp pain in my right lower pelvic and stomach. My lower back was swelling now my whole right side front and back all the way to under my...

How does the ER treat sepsis?

My friend has sepsis and I want to take her to the ER. How does the ER treat sepsis?

Have I suffered a brain injury?

I am 18 years old and I have recently been worrying about a possible blow to the head I received while working out at the gym. I may have hit myself against the back of the head...

Should I take my daughter to the ER?

My 3 month old was laying on the toddler bed on the floor I had her laying across so she wouldn’t roll off but somehow she rolled off backward and hit her head on the table.

Is my very visible superficial temporal artery a sign of giant cell arteritis?

Hi, about 10 days ago I noticed that my left temporal artery was TOTALLY visible. I had never noticed it before. Over the last days, I've observed that it stays visible when...

Should I visit ER if I have abdominal pain?

I have bad abdominal pain. Should I visit ER if I have abdominal pain?

How long does it take to recover from an emergency appendectomy?

My friend had an emergency appendectomy. How long does it take to recover from an emergency appendectomy?

What should I do if I have shortness of breath?

I have shortness of breath. What should I do? Should I go to the hospital?

I don’t know if I should go back to the ER?

I am having severe left side pain- almost like achy pain, my chest feels tense when I breathe. I have stage 3 kidney disease, my right kidney is failing. I went to the ER on...

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