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Can I take the Pfizer vaccine after having anabolic steroids?

I have recently discontinued anabolic steroids (total duration 14 weeks exposure of testosterone enanthate 400mg p/w) (4 weeks discontinued). And want to take my covid-19 pfizer...

What is the emergency treatment for low blood sugar?

I have low blood sugar. What is the emergency treatment for low blood sugar?

How can I lower my hemoglobin levels?

I have high hemoglobin levels. How can I lower my hemoglobin levels?

I dislocated my finger during basketball?

I am 16 years old and I was playing basketball ball with my friends 2 days ago. My friend quickly passed the ball to me and I reached out to receive it, but my pinkie was fully...

When can a preschooler return to school?

My child has hand, foot, and mouth disease.

I have pain in my right arm?

My question is on my right arm by the elbow to the left I have pain. The vein gets big and thick and tender to touch. I would like to know if it is possible to have a blood clot...

My nephew is in a coma?

My nephew has been in a coma for the last 20 days after a lightning strike near an open field. His father who was with him survived without major effects but the kid is still...

How do you think this COVID-19 injection would affect my heart?

I had a nuclear stress test in June 2020 as I have these chest aches every so often. I do have an LBBB diagnosed in 2017. The stress ECG was nondiagnostic due to LBBB. There...

I don't know what to do about my pain?

I have had right-sided pain under my ribs for over a month. I also have nausea, dizziness, shakes, fevers, my local ER doesn't help and I don't know what to do.

When is breathlessness an emergency?

I have shortness of breath. Is it serious? What should I do?

Should I go to the ER for low hemoglobin?

I have low hemoglobin levels. Should I go to the ER for low hemoglobin?

Should you stay home if you have food poisoning?

I have food poisoning. What should I do? Should you stay home if you have food poisoning?

Tongue is swollen?

My tongue is swollen after consuming cocaine I'm worried.

Can you go to the ER for rheumatoid arthritis pain?

I have rheumatoid arthritis and it hurts bad. Can you go to the ER for rheumatoid arthritis pain?

When should you go to the ER for anemia?

I have anemia and have difficulty breathing. When should you go to the ER for anemia?

When should I go to the emergency room for COVID?

I have COVID and feel bad. When should I go to the emergency room for COVID?

Medications for covid?

I’ve been taking HCQ for a couple of months and I’m having CoVid symptoms: very bad headache and nausea. Can I take Ivermectin too?

Parasites in stool?

I went to my doctor today and showed them a parasite in my stool that looked like a fleshy white grub about 1 and a half inches long and they had no idea what it was and they sent...

What are possible knee injuries I could be facing due to slamming knee into cement curb? Should I be concerned?

About 6 months ago, I was rushing into a gas station on the way to work so I quickly pulled into a parking spot and sprinted out of my car. As I was stepping up onto the cement...

I swallowed a fish bone 48 hours ago. I had no pain until now and it’s chest pain?

I swallowed a salmon bone on Sunday around 2. I didn’t feel it until I swallowed it already. I have had no pain, no shortness of breath, no issues using the bathroom or eating...

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