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Am I having an age regression?

I am having a symptom of sucking a pacifier while sleeping it is normal? I found that this is called an age regression? Is it true?

What is the treatment for schizophrenia?

My friend has schizophrenia and I want to help him. What is the treatment for schizophrenia?

What kind of therapy is best for autism?

My daughter was diagnosed with autism. Is it serious? What kind of therapy is best for autism?

What is the treatment for aggressive behavior?

I have aggressive behavior and want to treat it. What are the treatment options?

SSRI medication change question?

I was recently on Luvox (fluvoxamine) and have been on 100 mg for just under 7 weeks. My psychiatrist has decided to take me off of it because it was causing really bad fatigue...

Anxiety attacks and fainting?

I get random anxiety attacks and I feel like I’m going to faint but then I eat sugar then it goes away for a bit then comes again. When that happens I have a sharp pain under...

Does cognitive-behavioral therapy help with aggression?

My daughter has had aggressive behavior lately. Does cognitive-behavioral therapy help with aggression?

When should you see a counselor for anxiety?

I have anxiety and want to treat it. When should you see a counselor for anxiety?

What is the best treatment for alcoholics?

My friend is an alcoholic and I want to help her. What is the best treatment for alcoholics?

What can a psychiatrist do for PTSD?

I was diagnosed with PTSD. I want to treat it. What can a psychiatrist do for PTSD?

Gender dysphoria?

I'm a cis man assigned at birth. After I grew I didn't feel like me feeling like a girl or such. but now I'm 24 and whenever I feel aroused I feel like I want anal sex. I feel...

Do counseling psychologists treat depression?

I have depression and want to treat it. Do counseling psychologists treat depression?

Can a psychologist help with obesity?

I have obesity and want to treat it. Can a psychologist help with obesity?

What does a psychologist do for learning disabilities?

My daughter has a learning disability. What does a psychologist do for learning disabilities?

How do you treat aggressive behavior in children?

My daughter has aggressive behavior. How do you treat aggressive behavior in children?

Physical symptoms maybe stress?

Recently it’s been hard and i’m not comfortable explaining what happened, but i’m here to have answers and possibly advice. Name: Akio Gender: Male Height: 4’10 Weight:...

Person hears voices and sees people not there?

My friend after breaking up with her boyfriend started hearing voices and seeing (him and others) who were not there. She claimed they had a trap door in my roof and were coming...

Do I have schizophrenia?

I see toilet ghost friends daily and one of them wrote a message on a mirror. I have narcolepsy, PWS, and Autism. I take iorn, Progesterone, Estrogen, Growth Hormone, and Pitolisant...

Someone please help?

I’ve been living to dreadfully depressed to at least ask or try to find out what’s wrong with me. I was never a person that had anxiety or I just barely or never had so I never...

How do you treat geriatric anxiety?

My grandmother has anxiety. How do you treat geriatric anxiety?

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