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Understanding individuals' conditions?

I have been seeing a psychiatrist and therapist for half a year and was in therapy a few years ago as well. I have had depression (I guess) with suicidal thoughts and self-harm...

Can a bipolar person live without medication?

I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder. I don't want to take medications because it makes me gain weight.

What therapy works best for children's depression?

My son has depression. I want to take him to a psychologist. What therapy works best for children's depression?

Bipolar intrusive memories and paranoia?

Can distress over intrusive "neutral" memories and sudden onset of paranoia be part of Bipolar/hypo-mania or could it potentially be something different?


Hello, I am 20 yo, female. It all started in 2016 when I met a senior in my school. I liked him a lot but he kept me dangling in between and in the end, it left me heartbroken....

Can a psychologist treat panic attacks?

I get panic attacks too often and I want to manage them better. Can a psychologist treat panic attacks?

What is the best therapy for ADHD?

My friend has ADHD. I want to help him. What is the best therapy for ADHD?

Why does my son punch doors when he's angry?

My 14 year old son seems to have a mood disorder and angers very quickly. What is the best way to help him without triggering him?

Should I go to therapy for anxiety?

I have anxiety for 2 months now. It is starting to affect my marriage. Should I go to therapy for anxiety?

Need doctor but scared?

I have really bad anxiety been dealing with it mostly my whole life it’s got worse past the years. I do have full Medicaid at the moment are they a way I can find an online doctor...

What can I expect from therapy for anxiety?

I am 12 years old and I have anxiety and want to get therapy for it. What can I expect from therapy for anxiety?

What are some stress reduction techniques?

I am a 38 year old female. I have had stress and anxiety for 2 weeks. What are some stress reduction techniques?

Why do I hate myself after eating late at night?

I am a 36 year old woman. I find myself eating late at night in the kitchen, binge-eating. Then after I am angry with myself but can't stop.

What is the difference between cognitive behavioral therapy and interpersonal therapy?

I want to treat my depression with cognitive behavioral therapy or interpersonal therapy. What is the difference?

What are the treatment options for post-traumatic stress disorder?

I was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder. Is it serious?

What are the psychological effects of using a wheelchair?

I was in a car accident and had to be in a wheelchair for a while. I feel helpless in a wheelchair. Will seeing a therapist help me?

What is the best therapy for anger management?

I am a 42 year old male. I want to know what is the best therapy for anger management?

Can a person recover from psychosis?

I am a 27 year old female. I want to know if a person can recover from psychosis?

Which method of therapy is best for schizophrenics?

I am a 25 year old female. I want to know which method of therapy is best for schizophrenics?

Handling stress?

I’m 32 years old. I have been stressed for the last couple of months but the last couple of days I can't eat. I’m trying to not have stress but I can’t help it, I need some help...

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