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I might have ALS?

I’ve had muscle twitching, cramping, and pain in my legs along with odd sensations and an uncomfortable feeling when I speak, I'm very scared it’s ALS, please help.

I'm having side effects after hitting my head?

I hit my head on the left side right on the floor. It was 8 years ago. Everything changed in my life in a very bad way. What I mean is that it was very hard to focus on things,...

What is causing my symptoms?

Hi, I am a 37 year old female. About 6 weeks ago I was waking up with my head shaking by itself if I lie on my right side. I have neck/base of skull pressure/pain. I also have...

Will the use of Gabapentin disqualify someone on a DOT Physical?

I take gabapentin for neuropathy and have been taking it for several years with no side effects.

Can you fix the nerve damage in the foot?

I was diagnosed with nerve damage in my foot. Can you fix the nerve damage in the foot?

Can migraines cause permanent neurological damage?

I have migraines and want to treat them. Can migraines cause permanent neurological damage?

How do you treat stroke paralysis?

My friend had a stroke and has paralysis. How do you treat stroke paralysis?

Severe back pain and loud cracking, should I be concerned?

My name is Tanique and I am 15. I've had back problems for years now, but in the past year, they have gotten much worse. When I move in a certain way a loud cracking noise happens,...

Fainting spells?

I have been experiencing fainting/dizzy spells that last like 10 seconds.

How long does it take to recover from hand nerve damage surgery?

I will have hand nerve surgery next week. How long does it take to recover from hand nerve damage surgery?

Can a neurologist help with a speech delay?

My daughter has a speech delay. Is it serious? Can a neurologist help with a speech delay?

What doctors can help with epilepsy?

My sister was diagnosed with epilepsy. Is it serious? What doctors can help with epilepsy?

Do you need to see a neurologist after a stroke?

My friend had a stroke a few days ago. Do you need to see a neurologist after a stroke?


Hi I've been having really bad migraines and I'm worried they can be more then just migraines. I've been having them for years now they get so bad that start to feel sick to my...

Vertigo diagnosis?

I have been diagnosed with vertigo have been to my heart dr he concurred I had vertigo I have been to a neurologist. She diagnosed the vertigo and I am currently taking medicine...

Propranolol concerns?

A brief history, I had a head injury resulting in seizures, I did not respond to normal anti seizure meds, so unfortunately for me I was put on Klonopin for a few years. The...

Epilepsy treatment?

Good afternoon I am an epilepsy sufferer for 17 years. My medicines are encornate chrono 400mg twice a day lametec 125mg twice a day frisium 10mg at bedtime. Is epilepsy curable?...

Do I need to see a neurologist?

Hi, two years ago I was eating and suddenly I had some palpitations went to the hospital they did blood test and there was nothing. A week later I just suddenly felt very bad...

What is the best therapy for stroke?

My friend had a stroke and is now having rehab treatment. What is the best therapy for stroke?

Can migraine headaches be cured by physiotherapy?

I have migraine headaches and want to treat them. Can migraine headaches be cured by physiotherapy?

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