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Can vitiligo ever be cured?

I'm 28 and noticed that my skin is losing some pigment. I think that I might have vitiligo. Can it be cured?

What causes ringworm?

I have been diagnosed with ringworm and don't even know how I got it in the first place. What causes ringworm?

What vitamins can I take for my nails?

I'm 25 years old and my nails look band and are cracked. What vitamins can I take for my nails?

Why do I have swollen ankles after sunburn?

I went to the beach a few days ago and got extreme sunburn (no blisters) on my legs and feet. I woke up today and my ankles and feet are swollen. Could the sunburned skin be...

How long does Botox last for?

I'm considering Botox treatment to get rid of the wrinkles on my face, but I heard that it's a temporary treatment. How long does Botox typically last?

What pockmark treatments don't use lasers?

I'd like to get my pockmarked acne scars softened, but I have a pathological fear of lasers. Is there some way to do it without lasers?

What should I do about the whiteheads around my eyes?

I have a lot of whiteheads around my eyes, mainly my lids. Is there anything that I can do for them?

Last 6 months I was suffering from ringworm. What do I do?

Last 6 months, I was suffering from ringworm on my one hand. What should I do to get rid of this disease? Should I use turmeric for this?

How do you know if you're allergic to cosmetics?

I'm 24 years old, and I recently tried a new type of makeup, but it gave me a bad reaction on my face, like a rash. Does this mean I had an allergic reaction?

Can sunbathing cause skin rashes?

I'm 27 years old, and I've noticed that sunbathing seems to bring out a skin rash on my face. Can sunbathing cause skin rashes?

Is thinning hair a sign of hair loss?

I'm only 24 years old, and I noticed that my hair is thinning. I don't know why though. Could this be a sign of hair loss?

I think I might have Petechiae. Should I see a doctor?

I've had what looks like red freckles on my hand for the past 48 hours. Today, my throat is slightly irritated, almost like it's swollen. Is this something I should wait out...

Can sunblock cause an itchy face?

My family has a history of skin cancer, and I usually use a ton of sunblock whenever I'm outside. But my face has been really itchy lately. Can sunblock cause my face to be itchy?...

Does drinking alcohol make acne worse?

I've been drinking a lot of alcohol lately and go out a lot more as well, but it seems like it's affecting my skin. Does drinking alcohol make acne worse?

Do Biore Pore strips help remove blackheads?

I keep seeing the ads for Biore pore strips and I think want to see if they actually work well for your pores and help remove blackheads. Do they really help?

What can I do for ingrown hairs?

I used to grow out my beard, but ever since I started shaving, I've had a problem with ingrown hairs. Is there anything that I can do for ingrown hairs? Do I need to go to a...

Is Propidren suitable for me? I'm afraid it'll mess up my other hormones

Hello, I'm thinking about buying Propidren but I'm afraid that it will mess up my other hormones. My hair loss is long-term, like 2 years, and my hair is going thinner and thinner....

Is peeling a sign of dry skin?

The skin on my hands and feet peels every once in a while. Is this just a matter of dry skin, or is there another problem? I try to moisturize them as often as I can.

Do blackheads bleed if you pop them?

I had a blackhead on my forehead that I popped and it also bled out. I'm not sure if it was actually a blackhead now. What is supposed to happen if you squeeze out a blackhead?...

Does frequent tanning put me at risk for skin cancer?

I'm 19 years old, and I go tanning a lot. Well, mainly in the winter when I can't go outside to lay out. I go as frequently as once a week. Does this put me at risk for skin...

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