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Why are my kidneys hurting?

I'm 22 years old and my kidneys hurt for no reason. What can be the cause?

How can I control my diabetes?

I'm 27 and have been diagnosed with diabetes. How can I control my diabetes?

How do Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes differ?

I am a 29 year old male. I want to know the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes?

What is the treatment for diabetes?

I'm 32 years old and I was diagnosed with diabetes. What is the treatment for diabetes?

Do diabetics need more sleep?

I'm 24 years old and I was diagnosed with diabetes. I feel very tired all the time. Could it be from my diabetes?

How is Hepatitis B detected?

I'm 27 years old and my doctor believes that I have hepatitis B. How is this detected?

What are the signs of rectal cancer?

A month ago, I began to notice blood in my stool, and it hasn't stopped. I'm worried that it could be rectal cancer. What are the signs of rectal cancer? What should I look...

What are the symptoms of pneumonia?

I have a rough cough right now and I am worried that I can have pneumonia. What are the symptoms of pneumonia?

Would I need stents after a heart attack?

I'm 45 and heart issues run in my family. My father died of a heart attack, actually. If I ever were to get a heart attack, would I have to get stents after it?

How can I strengthen my heart?

My doctor told me that my heart is too weak for my age, and I'm 40 years old. I want to try and make it stronger. Are there ways that can help me do this?

Is there a treatment for a calcified carotid artery?

My grandmother is 70 and doctors told her she has a calcified carotid artery. Is there a treatment for a calcified carotid artery?

Could my chest pains be signs of a heart attack?

I had piercing chest that would last about 10 or more minutes, mainly in the morning. It's been going on for about two days. Could this be a sign of a heart attack?

I don’t know what’s going on. Should I be worried?

I have had nausea and loss of appetite for about 3 days. The nausea is constant and has not subsided even when taking a zophran or gas x. The passing of bowel movements doesn't...

CBD and motility? Does it help?

I’ve had Parkinson’s for five years. I now have a motility problem. My esophagus has been stretched and Botox has been injected. My food stays in my esophagus until the next...

What should I do about my frequent heartburn?

I feel like I have heartburn constantly, and I'm only 30 years old. My heartburn is worst at night before I go to bed. What can I do for this?

What do heart spasms feel like?

I'm 37 years old, male, with no previous heart issues, but my family has a history of heart disease (paternal side). Over the last year, I noticed that I have a spasming/convusling...

Does fish oil help with cholesterol?

My doctor said that my triglycerides/cholesterol are high, and he thinks that I should start taking fish oil supplements. Will this really help?

Do I have varicose veins?

I'm 45 years old and have noticed that some of the veins on my legs have become darker than they used to be. Do I have varicose veins?

What foods should I eat to lose weight quick?

I am 30 years old and male. I'm getting married in a month and I'm just really overweight. Are there any foods that I can eat that'll help me lose weight quick?

Why do I have facial hair if I'm a woman?

I'm 27 years old, and I have had issues with facial hair all my life. Mainly above my upper lip and on my chin. Why could this be happening? I also have been diagnosed with...

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