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What is the best natural medicine for stopping loose motions?

I have been experiencing loose motions, and I'm not sure why and how they're happening so frequently. What is the best medication to take for this?

Can bowel regulators become addictive?

My mother has a problem with impacted stools and now takes bowel regulators and softeners. Now she is just unable to pass motions without it. Is she addicted to these supplements...

What is the treatment for urinary incontinence?

I am a diabetes patient and am now have issues with urinary incontinence. I can't seem to help it, other than going to the bathroom every five minutes. Is there a treatment for...

Is there medication that can cure IBS?

My father suffers from IBS. I know that this is a stress-related condition, but is there a way for him to get it under control (or cure it)?

Do I have to take blood thinners for a long period of time?

I was prescribed blood thinners after having a bypass surgery, and I noticed that my prescription was for a large duration of time--which I think is unnecessary. Is this normal...

Can diabetes increase my risk for a heart attack?

I know type 2 diabetes has a lot of complications associated with it, but I didn't know heart diseases and other heart conditions were included in that. Can diabetes put me at...

What is mindful eating and how does it help?

I've heard of mindful eating, but I'm not really sure of what it involves. What exactly is this and how does it help?

What is the treatment for mouth ulcers?

I have an ulcer inside my mouth and it's causing me a lot of pain. What is the best way to treat mouth ulcers? Should I just use OTC medication?

How are ingrown toe nails removed?

What is the treatment for ingrown toe nails? I keep having this problem regularly. What should I do?

Why am I not losing weight when I'm exercising and dieting?

I constantly diet and exercise but I'm not losing any pounds. What exactly could be wrong with me?

Why does my child get a cough and cold when the seasons change?

My son has a cold and cough every time the season changes. This doesn't happen with anyone else in our family, and my husband and I have very few allergies. Why is this happening...

Why do I experience cramping before passing stools?

Just before passing stools, I have a cramp in my abdomen that really hurts. What should I do for this? Why is it happening?

Is yogurt helpful in treating colic problems in kids?

Is it healthy to give your my child yogurt? She has colic issues, and I feel like the probiotics would really help her.

My mother has internal pain in her legs. Is it diabetic neuropathy?

My mom is constantly complaining of pain in her legs and says it's like a pulling feeling from within them. Is it diabetic neuropathy? She's had type 2 diabetes for the past...

Will a good diet detox help clean my colon?

Is a good diet detox enough to keep the colon clean?

I have a painful bump on my wrist. Should I get it removed surgically?

I have a painful bump on my wrist and the the doctors say it's oil accumulation. Should I get it removed surgically?

All of a sudden I am getting a number of warts. Why is this, and how can I be rid of them?

I am suddenly getting a lot of warts across my hands and fingers. What can be causing this sudden spread of warts, how do I get rid of them, and how do I prevent this from reoccuring?...

Should I be concerned about cysts on my thyroid?

I had a MRI Spine Cervical w/o contrast. There is a 1. 7 cm cyst right posterior thyroid gland. I am trying to find a neurosurgeon for surgery for anterolisthesis at C-4 and...

What does my blood test mean?

I’m a 41-year-old healthy man, and on routine CBC wbc count 3470, normal plt normal RBCs normal HB, but neutrophils 1. 18 34%and lymphocytes 1. 89 54%, One year back my CBC showed...

Is there other medication for hypoglycemia?

I currently take eudemine 50mg tablets for hypoglycemia. Is there any other medication for hypoglycemia?

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