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What herbs can help get rid of a sore throat?

I have a sore throat, but I don't want to treat it with anything pharmaceutical because it never really goes away. I know my sore throat is from allergies. Are there any herbs...

Are there any herbs that can treat anxiety?

Instead of treating my anxiety with pharmaceutical means, I'd much rather treat it naturally. Are there any herbs or oils that can help?

How do you use CBD oil for muscle strains?

I strained my calf muscle while running the other day and my mom recommended me to use CBD oil to help with it. I never used it before, but I know that it definitely helps. How...

What are some natural ways to relieve allergy symptoms?

I have really bad seasonal allergies in the fall and spring. I usually just take antihistamines, but I don't like how they make me drowsy. Are there natural ways to relieve allergies?...

Do homeopathic therapies work for insomnia?

I feel like I have insomnia, and I stay up all night in my dorm and it's starting to affect my school work. Are there any homeopathic therapies that help?

CBD and motility? Does it help?

I’ve had Parkinson’s for five years. I now have a motility problem. My esophagus has been stretched and Botox has been injected. My food stays in my esophagus until the next...

Are there ways to bring down blood pressure naturally?

I don't want to take blood pressure meds for my high blood pressure but my family doctor insists on it. Are there natural/homeopathic ways to bring it down?

What are some safe natural ways to treat acid reflux?

I frequently get acid reflux because of my diet, and I'm just more prone to it than others. Are there natural ways to get rid of acid reflux? What do you recommend?

Does homeopathic therapy exist for interstitial cystitis?

I want to treat my interstitial cystitis naturally rather than with medications. Can I treat this with homeopathic treatments?

Is a water fast safe or healthy?

I want to trey a water fast to lose some weight, but I heard various things about it. Like it's not really good for you, or that you should only do it for three days. What steps...

Are there natural forms of birth control?

I'd rather not take birth control pills because of their side effects. Are there natural forms of birth control that I can use instead?

Are there natural ways to fight off fatigue?

I have fibromyalgia, and I often find myself so fatigued. I can't do anything around the house because I'm so tired. Are there natural ways to fight off this fatigue? What do...

Is there homeopathic treatment for xanthoma?

I have a xanthoma on the top of my eyelid, for I think about a year. Is there any homeopathic treatment for getting rid of xanthoma?

Are there any homeopathic medicines to prevent mono?

My boyfriend has mono from sharing a water bottle with his friends. How can I not be infected? Are there any homeopathic medicines to prevent mono?

Do homeopathic therapies treat insomnia?

I am 22 years old, and I think I'm dealing with insomnia. I tend to stay a majority of the night, and finding ways to help me stay up--like binging on netflix, staying on my phone,...

Are probiotics safe for kids?

Can I give probiotics to my child to improve his gut function?

Are there any home remedies to treat diarrhea?

My son has diarrhea every time we travel. What home remedies can I try to keep his stomach safe and to stop diarrhea?

What can we do to improve immunity in kids?

Are there any natural products or home remedies that are proven effective in improving children's immune system?

Is gooseberry juice good for digestion problems?

My friend advised me to start having gooseberry juice everyday to take care of my digestive problems. Is it a safe option?

Are there any natural ways to strengthen my liver?

Are there any natural treatments that can strengthen my liver?

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