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How can I stop hair loss?

I'm only 37 years old and my hair looks like it's thinning out very quickly. Is there anything that I can do to stop the hair loss?

Are flu shots really effective?

I had a flu shot in the beginning of the season, but I was diagnosed with the flu just recently. While it was a milder version, I feel like it didn't protect me at all from the...

What can cause a low sex drive?

I'm a 32 year old woman and my sex drive has gotten really low. I have no idea as this came out nowhere and it's really been disrupting my marriage. Are there medical solutions?...

Why is my stool red?

I'm a 20 year old male, and I noticed that my stool has blood in it. Is this serious? What can be causing this, and do you think I should see a doctor?

Is it herpes or shingles?

Hello, at the end of January I started noticing little bumps on my upper thigh by my genitals. My last sexual exposure was end of December. The bumps turned into little blisters,...

Daughter has persistent cough. What doctor should I consult?

My daughter, aged 6 and a half, with a weight of 16. 4 kg has been coughing for the past three months almost . . . and she has the same problem every time she has a cold. The...

How long should I exercise if I want to lose weight?

I'm trying to lose weight right now, and I think the best way to do this is by turning my life around--like exercising and dieting. Mainly exercising. I want to lose 30 lbs by...

What causes arrhythmia?

The doctor diagnosed me with arrhythmia when I was kid. Sometimes I feel lightheaded and I worry about my heart. Is this because of arrhythmia? I'm now 28 years old.

How much water should I drink throughout the day?

Hi, I'm 25 years old and I currently drink at least 2 liters of water every day. Do you think that this is enough? What's recommended?

What causes diarrhea?

I am 35 years old, and I get diarrhea almost every day. Almost seems like it's chronic. What could be causing me to get diarrhea so frequently?

What are the symptoms of a UTI?

How would I know if I had a UTI? Lately it has been painful when I pee. Can it be caused by STDs? How are UTIs treated?

What causes bedwetting in older children?

My child is 9 and still wets his bed--I think he's too old for this. Any ideas on what could be causing this? Should I be taking him to a doctor?

Can athletes get rheumatoid arthritis?

My grandfather was an athlete and his doctor diagnosed him with rheumatoid arthritis. How is this possible? He used to exercise all the time up until he turned 60, and I always...

What is the Dukan diet?

My doctor recently told me I need to lose weight for health reasons. I heard about the Dukan diet, but I'm just wondering, is it safe to go on it?

Is Stevia powder good for health?

I'm considering using Stevia for my tea instead of sugar, but is it safe to use?

Dry mouth

What can my husband take to get rid of dry mouth besides brushing his teeth? He has drank a lot of water, but it doesn't help. He has two big soars in his mouth.

Sore throat in the morning?

Every morning, I have a sore throat that eventually goes away. I'm not really experiencing any symptoms, however, apart from this. Is this a normal thing to experience?

Hot flashes after menopause. Normal?

My mother is 70-years-old, and went through menopause when she was 55 years old. However, even though she's in seventies, she's still experiencing hot flashes. Is this normal?...

Can cupping help me with my sports?

Remember when Michael Phelps did cupping treatments before the Olympics? I want to start doing the same thing. I'm in a swimming team, and constantly training. I'm pretty good,...

Sharp pain in my lower left abdomen?

I have intense shooting sharp pain in my lower left abdomen. Any idea on what it could be?

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