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What can I do about my nail infection?

There's an infection in my big toe, and my doctor told me that the best way to treat it would be to remove the toe nail. Aren't there other ways? Like medications?

How can I reduce the growth of hammer toe?

After taking off my shoes, I noticed that I was developing a hammer toe. How can I fix this?

How are plantar warts caused?

I noticed some warts at the bottom of my foot's heel. I'm not sure how this is caused though, since I don't really walk barefoot. Not even in my house. Why do plantar warts...

Can tight shoes cause corns on my feet?

I started to wear these tight shoes to work every day, and I noticed that my foot has a corn toward my foots. Could this be from my shoes? What should I do?

Why is my toe bleeding randomly?

I stubbed my toe last week, and it's still swollen and I'm in pain. It's bleeding randomly as well from my nail. Could there be something wrong with my nail that's causing it...

What can I do for dry and cracked feet?

I walk a lot on my campus, and I noticed that my feet have become dry and appear to be cracked. Could walking so much have caused this? What should I do?

Why do shoes give me a rash?

Every time I wear one pair of shoes, my feet break out in a rash. I'm not really sure why though. Why could my shoes give me these rashes? And what can I do to treat it?

Are there home remedies for foot fungus?

I think I have a fungus from my college shower (it's a shared shower with the whole floor, so it's not the cleanest). Are there any remedies that I can use at home to get rid...

How can I get rid of a fungal infection?

I've had a fungal infection on one toenail for a couple of years now. I've been prescribed creams, but none of them worked. Is there any other treatment?

Why does my big toe hurt when I apply too much pressure?

My big toe hurts when I apply too much pressure on it. Can it be because of an ingrown nail? What does an ingrown nail look like?

How can I get rid of athlete's foot?

I think I caught athlete's foot from being in my locker room. My foot is itchy and is also red. Is there anything I can do to get rid of athlete's foot?

How do you repair an ingrown toenail?

I noticed on my big toe on my left foot, that there's an ingrown toenail. It hurts and is sensitive to the touch. Is it infected? How can I treat on my own?

Is there a cure for toenail fungus?

I've got a toenail fungus. I've tried the over the counter treatments and it hasn't even affected it. Is there a cure for toenail fungus?

Why are my feet dry and cracked?

I'm a 22 year old student, so I do walk back and forth to my classes a lot. I noticed though that the bottom of my feet are cracked and dry. Should I see a podiatrist about this?...

Would I need surgery for my heel spur?

I was diagnosed with a heel spur recently, and it's not going away with any of the treatment that my doctor recommended. Is it possible that I would need surgery for my spur?...

How can I get rid of toenail fungus?

I have toenail fungus. Any way to make it go away? Are there any home remedies?

I keep getting bunions--what should I do to prevent them?

I had two bunionectomy surgeries in the past year, but I'm still getting bunions for some reason. Why do I keep getting them, and are there ways that I can prevent them from developing?...

Is the pain in my heel a heel spur?

I have this pain in my left heel when I walk. Could this be a heel spur? How do I make it go away?

Is there any way to prevent plantar warts?

I have plantar warts on the bottom of my feet. Is there anything I can do to prevent these? I typically use OTC treatment to get rid of them

Is Vick's really a treatment for athlete's foot?

I'm pretty active in sports, and I tend to get athlete's foot because of it. Normally I'd go to the doctor for it and get anti-fungal medications. But I think I should really...

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