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Should I visit urgent care if I have COVID infection?

I was diagnosed with a COVID infection. Should I visit urgent care if I have COVID infection?

Sex health question?

I have a lady friend that has oral hepatitis and she gets sores once in a while that last 1-3 days (she takes medication when sores appear). She also has HPV and her doctor says...

Transmission of Hep C?

I swallowed semen with blood in it and as it turns out the guy has hepatitis C. I don't think I had any open wounds in my mouth, but I still need to know is it still possible...

COVID-19 Rapid Test vs PCR Test?

I started showing signs of COVID-19 (headache, body aches, chills, fever, sore throat, and stuffy nose) so I got a rapid and PCR test. The rapid said I was positive but when I...

Can my taste and smell be slightly off after covid even if I never lost it?

I am apparently no longer symptomatic, I never lost my sense of taste and smell like most people do. But now, only AFTER seeming recovery, (also, it's been 11 days since symptoms...

Question about Lyme disease?

I have been sick for years with chronic fatigue, chronic migraines, cognitive issues, flu-like symptoms, neck pain, head pressure, convulsive-like occurrences (I have no idea what...

COVID question?

I tested positive for COVID a week ago today. I've had milder symptoms, but feel pretty normal now. I was on Prednisone and azithromycin. Is the worst threat over at this point?...

Mouse scratch?

2 days ago I was scratched by a mouse. I immediately cleaned with peroxide and rubbing alcohol. It was not deep and I did not bleed. It's healing nicely. Do I need to go in...

What is the risk of disease transmission?

I cut myself from the train door, is there any HIV or Hep B, C risk?

Do you have antibodies after having covid?

I recovered from covid a week ago, I was exposed to someone that currently has covid. Do I have antibodies yet? Am I likely to get covid again so soon after from them?

Covid and radiology (mammogram)?

How soon after radiology tests is it fine to take the booster?

Do I need a rabies vaccine?

10 days ago my partner and I woke up to a bat on our bedroom floor. It flew at me, and I hid under a blanket while my partner hit it with a book and trapped it. My roommate got...

COVID vaccine side effect?

I received a Moderna COVID booster vaccine yesterday and today I have noticed a large painful bruise located 6-7 inches BELOW the injection site. Is this cause for concern? And...

Penis pain and swelling?

I am a 24 year old male. I'm currently on no medications.

What could this stuff eating away at my dads legs be?

My dad has had what I believe started out as a really bad staph or MRSA infection that has now turned into necrofasciitis (sp? ) or possibly even gangrene. I have no idea how...

Could this be lyme disease?

I have a bug bite with a round rash. Could it be a tick bite?

Rabies question?

Hello, I would like to ask one question about rabies. I keep chickens in the yard and the fox ran into my yard and attacked the chicken. The fox released the chicken when she...

Bird fanciers lung?

Can I keep chickens outdoors when I have lung fanciers disease? My daughter will be looking after the chickens.

I just did a covid home test and it came back positive?

I just did a covid home antigen test and it came back positive. Here's the thing, though I looked up the symptoms of covid and I don't have a fever, I don't have chills, I don't...

Sars 2 in children to adults?

My grandson tested positive for Sarsgaard. His mother has to go to work and she needs me to babysit him. I want to know is it OK for me to babysit him with me having underlined...

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