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Why does my wife have such extreme mood swings?

My wife is 7 months pregnant and her mood swings are becoming very erratic and hard to manage. Is this normal or is something wrong?

Can taking Plan B for a while cause infertility?

I have been regularly taking Plan B as a form of birth control and I am now worried that it could cause me to be infertile. Is this true?

Will my pregnancy leg pain get better after delivery?

I am in the last stages of my pregnancy and I have been suffering from intense pain in my legs. Will it get better after my delivery?

Can pregnancy cause changes in heartbeat?

I am 26 weeks pregnant, and lately, I've noticed that my heartbeat has changed, a lot. Suddenly, my heart beats fast and suddenly gets very slow. Could this be due to my pregnancy?...

What are the risks in practicing yoga during pregnancy?

I want to start practicing yoga to clear my mind from some things. Are there any risk factors that I should be aware of when I'm pregnant?

I had unprotected sex with my fiance. How can I make sure there is no pregnancy?

I had unprotected sex with my fiance about 3 days ago, and I forgot to take emergency contraceptive pills. Is there a way to ensure a pregnancy doesn't occur through natural means?...

Does metformin increase my chances of getting pregnant?

I am on Metformin medicine due to my insulin resistance problem. I've read online, however, that this can actually increase my chance of getting pregnant? Is this true?

I am a new mother and I don’t feel too much love for my child. What is wrong with me?

I am a new mother and unlike other mothers, I don’t feel that I love my child as much as I should. I am very embarrassed to speak of this to anyone around me. Please help me....

Despite of following my ovulation calendar I am not pregnant. Why?

I have followed my ovulation calendar for the past 2 months and had sex on the most fertile days. But, I am still not pregnant. Why is this happening?

Does IVF cause any problems for the baby?

I am 34 years old and despite of trying for the last 6 years, I have been unable to conceive. I am planning to now undergo IVF, but does this put my child at a risk of any deformities?...

Liver Hemangioma during pregnancy

I have been diagnosed with a liver hemangioma. I am currently 24 weeks pregnant. Before they listed it as a "fatty liver" until a recent US done for other reasons and they at...

Even after 45 days of my delivery I am continuing to bleed heavily. Could there be a problem?

I delivered my baby 45 days back and I am still continuing to bleed heavily. Is there something wrong with me internally or is this normal? Should I consult my doctor?

Pregnancy after thyroidectomy

I had my thyroid removed due to cancer and my thyroxin and tsh levels have been all over the place ever since. Only 3 weeks ago my tsh was extremely high and I was given a higher...


I have 7 weeks 5 days pregnant they did my ultrasound today and there is no heartbeat so they are going to do the induction but I think maybe it’s too early to heard a heartbeat,...

I have Hashimoto's, I think symptoms have gone into remission while I'm pregnant. Will they return?

I was recently diagnosed with Hashimoto's, a year or so before I got pregnant. Now, I haven't felt a symptom flareup since I've been pregnant. (I am 5 mos pregnant) Why is this...

My sister has had 3 failed IVF attempts. Should she try further?

My sister is 34 years old and has had 3 attempts at conceiving through IVF. Should she give it another try? I keep trying to convince her to see another doctor -- maybe another...

How can I manage my mood swings during pregnancy?

I am having extreme mood swings during my 5th month of pregnancy. I get worked up very fast and get irritated also quickly. Is there a medicine that can help me manage my pregnancy...

Can pregnancy cause permanent urinary incontinence?

I am 34 years old and I recently delivered my second baby. I had urinary incontinence during my pregnancy, but now, even after my delivery, I still have it. Will it be a permanent...

Are antihistamines safe for consumption during pregnancy?

I am 5 weeks pregnant and I'm already studying the do's and don’t's of pregnancy. I have a more severe reaction to dust than the average person so I usually take antihistamines...

Is it safe to have a body massage after a c-section?

I am Indian and in our tradition it is very important for a new mother to go for a body massage 3 months after a delivery. Would you recommend the same as a doctor? I am due...

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