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Feeling unsteady?

For a few days, I have woken up feeling unsteady. By this I mean I feel I need to hold onto something or I might fall. I do not and can walk without holding on but I am unsteady...

What medication helps a teenager who is sleepwalking?

My 13 year old daughter has been sleepwalking for the last month. What medication helps a teenager who is sleepwalking?

What causes night terrors in children?

My 11 year old son is having night terrors and wakes up screaming. What causes night terrors in children?

What sleep studies can be performed for children?

My 13 year old daughter has sleeping issues. What sleep studies can be performed for children?

Do kids with speech issues often have difficulty sleeping?

My 11 year old daughter has speech delays and trouble sleeping. Do kids with speech issues often have difficulty sleeping?

How do I stop my child's night terrors without going to the doctors?

My 11 year old daughter has periodic night terrors and sees a dark figure. How do I stop my child's night terrors without going to the doctors?

Why doesn't melatonin work for my son?

My 12 year old son has trouble sleeping and melatonin doesn't help. Why doesn't melatonin work for my son?

What sleep studies are available for children?

I think my 7 year old daughter has a sleep disorder. What sleep studies are available for children?

What helps a child sleep better with snoring issues?

My 8 year old daughter snores a few times a week in her sleep. I want to know what helps a child sleep better with snoring issues?

How do you stop having night terrors?

My 15 year old son has frequent night terrors that are unsettling. How do you stop having night terrors?

Can depression make you have insomnia?

My 13 year old child seems to have mild depression. I want to know if depression can make you have insomnia?

What are the early signs of autism spectrum disorder?

My son is 2 years old and has no interest in speaking or socializing and has trouble sleeping. What are the early signs of autism spectrum disorder?

How do you know when a child has neurological deficits?

I am a 30 year old female. I want to know how do you know when a child has neurological deficits?

How do you detect sleep apnea in a 7 year old?

My 7 year old son snores very loudly at night and I think he has sleep apnea. How do you detect sleep apnea in a 7 year old?

What causes bedwetting in children?

My 6 year old son is wetting the bed. I want to know what causes bedwetting in children?

Why do I hear voices in my head at night?

I am a 15 year old male. I want to know why do I hear voices in my head at night?

Why does my son always wake up in the middle of the night?

I am a 30 year old female. I want to know why does my son always wake up in the middle of the night?

Does depression cause personality change?

I am a 39 year old male. My 13 year old daughter shows signs of depression including oversleeping. I want to know if depression causes personality change?

Can lack of sleep cause blurred vision?

I am a 19 year old male. I want to know if lack of sleep can cause blurred vision?

Why do I have cataplexy with no signs of narcolepsy?

I want to know why I have cataplexy with no signs of narcolepsy?

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