Dr. Dennis Shavelson, DPM
Certified Health Coach | Biomechanics | Orthotics
Root Solutions Health Coaching offers you more than just a personal trainer – It’s adding the most technologically advanced and loyal, personalized health, nutrition, fitness and lifestyle partner for living life with increased fun and enjoyment. Dr Sha’s revolutionary platform offers Personal, Text, Facetime and Zoom communication with a seasoned biomedical professional and his staff. whose mission is to make over brain health and fitness while reducing stress, injury and performance issues using nutrition, exercise, education and care, “From the Ground Up”.
Root Solutions Health Coaching starts with 12 questions to answer that provide the foundation for us to work together (no obligation).
Working together with clients, Dr Sha has helped thousands triumph beyond their previous expectations.
Call (845) 536-3338 for a courtesy 10 minute consultation.
- Tampa, FL
- New York College of Podiatric Medicine
- Accepting new patients
Fall Prevention
Thirty-three percent of adults over 65 fall each year. The biomechanics of falling involves balance, foot and postural collapse, limb length inequality, neuro-muscular integrity,...
Can running cause heel pain?
Swimming or rowing a boat should not
Any pounding into the ground for any reason or too much standing can cause heel pain as well.
Much standing can cause heel pain
Do I need to go to the ER for ankle swelling?
Probably vein or heart related.

Can I exercise with a heel spur?
You should look into what made the spur grow in the first place as well.
How long does it take to fix a heel spur?
Feet go purple with white blotches?
I would seek a hospital podiatrist.

What exercises are good for a foot bunion?
Dynamic Foot Bracing (corrective foot inserts) could then be cast and dispensed.
Only then will exercises be performed to re-establish healthy biomechanics
Buzzing/ Achy Foot
Very active suddenly especially in tight shoes or high heels as your second toe is the longest.
Wist a few more days snd if not improving get a doctor involved and an x-ray.

Will I be able to run after ankle replacement surgery?
Diabetic Toe
How long do you stay in hospital after hammertoe surgery?
It’s smbukatory
Are high heels safe for my feet?
What should I do to prevent my feet from hurting in the snow?
Can bunions indicate an underlying foot problem?
Seek a biomechanically oriented therapist, podiatrist or human movement specialist.
How can I prevent foot issues?
Ankle subluxation

Is my toe fine or do I need to go to the doctor? (would prefer not to)
Foot Swelling
What can fix a swollen ankle fast?
When can I walk after ankle dislocation?
Ankle injury 3 weeks ago, How long until you need to go to the doctor.
Probably tested too long.
Need an x-ray and medical visit preferably z sports MD or podiatrist.
Midfoot pain is syringe
Add compression stop elevating.
Get help
Dr Shav